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By Lawrencia Nyarko

In recent years, a shift has been observed in the choices made by students when it comes to selecting their electives. Journalism, once a popular choice, has seen a great decline in enrollment. Several factors have contributed to this trend. Out of 250 L300 students only 0 opted for journalism as specialization for 2023-2024. The numbers have been declining year after year since 2016 when journalism students were 56.

The numbers are declining in all communication schools in the country. In other words, many students are opting out of specializing in journalism as an elective, and here is why.

Firstly, there has been a change in interest among students. Some students may discover their interest evolved and no longer align with the field of journalism. They may develop a passion for another subject or area of study.

Lordina, a level 300 student of African University College of Communications (AUCC) changed her initial plan and decided to specialize in strategic communications.

“I lost interest in the journalism profession because my interest has shifted more to public relations and events.”

AUCC’s head of journalism, Nanabanyin Dadson, says it may be due to the fact that journalism work load.

“Some students see the course to be demanding and for that matter, they seek electives with lighter academic loads.”

Another reason for the decline is job opportunities concerns and the fear of being limited to one field. Since the job market for journalism can be competitive, some students may be concerned about finding stable employment after graduation. This concern could lead them to explore other fields with potentially better job prospects.

Fafali, another Level 300 communications student of AUCC, expressed his concerns about the limitations of a journalism degree, stating:

“I worry that pursuing a journalism degree might restrict my options and narrow my career prospects.”

Moreover, there is the issue of alternative career opportunities. There is a wide range of career opportunities in communication: marketing, public relations, and content creation. Some students may opt for these fields instead, as they offer diverse career prospects.

These factors collectively influence students’ decisions to opt-out of journalism as an elective, challenging journalism institutions to adapt and address these concerns.

In conclusion, the declining interest in specializing in journalism as an elective can be attributed to a combination of factors including changing interest, job opportunities concerns, being limited to one field, and alternative career opportunities.


  1. That’s absolutely true. Many students think employment opportunities for journalism is less but that isn’t the case. It only becomes problematic in finding for job when you aren’t good enough to fit for the job.

  2. The enrollment is falling not only because of the workload buh is also connected to how journalists in our part of the world are been treated and also the perception most Ghanaians have on the job as journalists is also discouraging

  3. It’s concerning to see declining interest in journalism as an elective. In an age of information overload, quality journalism is more crucial than ever. We should encourage students to explore this field, as it plays a vital role in fostering informed citizens and holding power accountable. #JournalismMatters 📰🎓

  4. A country without journalist retards in growth and development since some important issues are been addressed by these people, the fear of becoming a journalist is very alarming since the dangers associated with this profession is setting ablaze i.e their competitors holds on grudge to their own self than to help the growth of the country whereas the government and the citizens has their role to play in the country. Moreover, I think their payment and workplace to exhibit their real profession has been the reason more students are not willing to choose journalism as their electives and as a matter of fact has been declining as stated.

  5. One reason is the perception that journalism is a low-paying profession with few job prospects. This perception is often based on the fact that many journalists in Ghana are underpaid and overworked.

  6. Michael from AUCC
    I will say some too choose to ignore the journalism course due to the influence of a friend or pals they are close or related to hence making them to forgo what they are passionate about.

  7. Many journalism students would lose interest in journalism, because certain media outlets use brand influencers to host their shows in order to increase audience.

  8. This is an issue of concern to the Ghana journalists association(GJA). If care is not taken, this profession will suffer in the future.

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