Endemic corruption in Ghana: designed and sustained by citizens

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Gods always behave like the people who make them. Thus spake Zora Neale Hurston, the pre-eminent author and famous member of America’s Harlem Renaissance cultural movement. And she should know, for she was one of the foremost anthropologists of the last century. In other words, the leaders we choose behave the way we “make” them, not so much as in what we “allow” them to do, but more like how we “create” them, and the purpose for which we elevate them to positions of power and influence. If our leaders are corrupt therefore, then it is the way we have fashioned the offices they occupy and the job description they are to fulfill.

According to Ghana Integrity Initiative (the Local Chapter of Transparency International) Ghana ranks 64th among 176 nations this 12th year of the 2nd millennium judging by our “perceived levels of public sector corruption” when measured against such “core values as Integrity, Transparency, Accountability, Independence, Impartiality, Objectivity and Cooperation”. This basically means that it isn’t a taboo quite yet for public officials to require inducements in order for them to do what we have asked them to do.  

Some local analysts may find 64th out of 176 sort-of decent; after all, trailing far behind us are such formidable countries as Nigeria, Kenya, and Russia; followed by the not-so formidable ones like Guinea, Cambodia, Guinea Bissau, and Eritrea; followed by the rather pathetic Somalia (but in all fairness, they have been at war these past few generations). In energy/manpower-wealthy Nigeria, the problem of corruption is so endemic that millions of U.S. Dollars are able to naturally spring legs and coolly stroll out of guarded mints in broad day onward to cooler havens where electricity is imported via huge foreign generators made by lesser minds. Hue and cry is minimal. And life goes on. 

Guinea Bissau is so corrupt that China – yes, of all nations – actually gave it millions of Dollars for its people to just calm down so they don’t bring other state-sponsored narco-businesses undue visibility. In Eritrea, conscripted “policemen” extort bribes from prisoners to set them free, and then turn around to wring crumbs from free citizens in their pot-holed streets who have to cough up to avoid imprisonment. In nearby Guinea (which ranks 173rd by the way), a government-appointed anti-corruption agency peddles highly coveted positions to the highest bidders. So you can see why some may consider Ghana’s position fairly decent. 

Now, just so we are on the same page, let’s define “Corruption” Corruption on the Agenda, the Danish group, defines it as “covering a wide range of misuse of entrusted funds and power for private gain”. The actual wide range acts of misuse most definitely are unethical but may not necessarily be illegal, given that our regulations are so flexible in translation that Cirque du Soleil contortionists must marvel with twisted limbs at how we keep it going. And it is this gray area between ethics and illegality that pervades everything we do everywhere and affects every choice we make every day. In this region, corruption is so commonplace that it is basically accepted as a way of life. Or maybe it is really a way of life, and I’ll attempt to explain why. 

Corruption manifests in multiple ways but it can only exist under a particular structure: for it to thrive, the official system bequeathed by the colonial master has to be submerged under an informal but more potent traditional influence. This makes “connections” between the two worlds essential for normal needs to be met, and for administration of basic processes to happen, thus the thievery, the fraud, the nepotism, the abuse of power etc. One must pay a fare to journey from the informal influence to the formal power in the form of bribing the government official directly or paying a fee to a “connection” (a middle-person who knows someone who knows someone who’s related to someone who went to the same school with someone) who then bribes the official. This is made the sadder because we all know the locations of the passport office, the vehicle registration department, the companies advertising for positions to be filled, the educational institutions in need of students, the religious organizations in search of souls to do whatever to (and we are continually bombarded with information regarding the requirements of these establishments through the mass media and by word of mouth), and yet we still need to pay bribes or pay a connection to pass on our applications for processing in a timely manner. In Ghana for instance, as ridiculous as it may sound, one needs to bribe an official or pay a connection for the luxury of carrying out civic duties such as paying taxes! 

So, why does it seem like the state is bent on trying so hard to undermine itself? 

Not so, my compatriots; not at all. It is indeed the Ghanaian citizen who desires it so. In all truth, the informal traditional system of influence was always there – even during colonialism; it never went away. It is the citizen, emboldened these days by nominal political independence, who has designed the parallel systems this way to make room for and formalize the gray area. We know the typical Ghanaian on the street – as far as we can gather from the narcissism on social media – possesses the moral compass of an opportunistic infection and couldn’t really be bothered by matters of integrity and principles in any way whatsoever even if her/his life depended on it. While public officials pledge to uphold ethics and the rule of law, our ethically bankrupt citizen doubles down in their adherence to the parallel paradigm. S/he believes in patronage, the notion of groveling before “big” people (perhaps with ambitions of becoming one themselves in the future). 

S/he believes in cutting corners, jumping queues, reaping where s/he has not sown, getting over another (as is exemplified by the narcissistic experiences in local traffic). S/he ensures that someone is appointed a government official but then s/he is the first person to make the official chairperson of the village “development” fundraising durbar expecting them to foot half the proposed project cost. S/he knows full well that the sum of the salaries accruing to the officer for the entire term is insufficient to make this feat possible but s/he expects the officer to make up the difference from “somewhere”. Incidentally, the projects never get completed. S/he is the church elder or pastor who gives the “big” person the front pew so that they will help pay for the completion of the manse during their time in office. The money has to come from “somewhere”. S/he is the family member or head who whispers suggestions in the already tender ears of the elected leader to “amass all you can get your hands on and save for after-service”. She endorses nepotism by demanding that the new boss employ all the drop-outs in their larger clan. Or tribe. 

It is the “ordinary” citizen who continues to feed this endemic system of corruption with a view to benefitting directly or indirectly, today or sometime in the future. Our leaders are only playing the parts we script and direct for them. And they better listen, because if they don’t, imagine the quality of their lives after service when they have to live among and frequently meet these irate family members that they “refused to help when they had the power.” 

This article is not a sociology treatise, and I am not trying to complicate things with a walk on the murky road of what-done-it (which obviously would range from certain need, patronage culture, opportunity due to inadequate oversight, temptations of xenocentrism, tons of ignorance, selfishness, to, of course, good old simple greed), but these I know: corruption causes more poverty and creates a barrier to the long-term development of the nation; it undermines our infant democracy and the rule of law, and it throws our formal official systems completely out of whack. 

Now, what’s to be done? First let us as a people identify what we consider to be ‘virtue’ as a way of fostering and protecting our collective self-interest, culturally speaking. What must we aspire to? What must we condemn? And when we agree on some things, let us examine the pathology that pushes us to work against our own self-interest. Why are we culturally suicidal? What is the underlying reason that motivates us to constantly glue our foul lips to every “big” person’s unprincipled bottom? If we all had inalienable access to basic opportunities to progress, would there still be the need for this chronic sycophancy? 

And then after the psychoanalysis, let us examine the ancient anachronistic shadow system that seems to be more effective than its fledgling official counterpart; must it be developed, tweaked and adopted at the expense of the colonial legacy? In other words, should we formalize government corruption like the Western democracies have, euphemistically referring to it as ‘lobbying’? What role must culture play in this design? And if gods truly always behave like the people who make them, how much influence must the people have in the design of the new deities? Question, questions. 

By Nana S. Achampong/14th December 2012

167 thoughts on “Endemic corruption in Ghana: designed and sustained by citizens

  1. We cannot continue to use the white man’s standard of corruption as our standard. They classify our appreciation gift as corruption /inducement and classify theirs as lobbying.

    #Nana Mogabi writes.

    1. Endemic corruption being the new order of the day, has grown to be part of our everyday lives as we are made to accept it as part of our dealings. Institutions, services, politicians amongst others in authority tend to use their powers to engage in corrupt acts with promise to offer them favors that could have been earned on merit or through hard work.The high rate at which this is gradually picking up numbers is quite alarming and our country is gradually becoming one that is not built on merit but one that people pay their way to get to where they want to be. I think this is rather doing the nation more harm than good as it’s giving rise to people who are not deserving of some positions occupying and those fully with potentials being left out with no opportunity at all. This creates liabilities at the vital sectors that the nation will need towards the phase of development we are struggling so hard to get. if suitable measures are put in place to curb the high rate of corruption our country may have a chance at doing better than it is now.

  2. We can all help to curb corruption, if we all refuse to pay that bribe. We are all part to be blamed, corruption can be a thing of the past if we all expose people who demands bribe or try to entice us with gifts in other to perform duties that you’re not supposed to.

    We can all help to make Ghana a better place devoid of corruption.

  3. Instead of accusing collective groups and institutions of corruption, the nation should rather chastise individuals in those institutions who are corrupt so they would mend their ways. It is rather unfortunate that it has become the norm that people hail and respect others because they are rich without caring about the source of wealth.

    One of the things preventing the transition of economic growth into development dividends for all residents in a continent with high levels of economic growth rates (relative to many other regions of the world) is the continuance of pervasive corruption. In so much as the media is involved , in order to ensure good government and to build a strong democracy, the media is essential. The media serves as a crucial information source and is a vital component of a democratic society and effective government.

  4. To fight the menace ,more national agencies must be engaged . Civil society participates in governance by engaging in the election of the rulers , debating policies, taking part in critical decisions affecting the nations as a whole , criticizing government , demonstrating against bad governance practices , and so on . The country should therefore provide opportunity for citizens to asses information to help them in decision making . Also media are considered the most important institution through which citizens asses political information and knowledge but a government dedicated to ensuring transparency , accountability and participation will see the organization such as the national Commission for civil Education. Furthermore Ghana need to deal with corruption cases in holistic manner however we need to consider our society which is also full of petty corruption, which is equally harmful to ordinary citizens in the country therefore corruption in whatever forms and level in Ghana has also contributed in slow pace of the development in the country. Taking special prosecution (osp) should be allowed to deal with corruption cases without interference of the government of the day by so doing corruption cases would reduce and make the nations develop as expected.

  5. Corruption has now been accepted as a way of Life in the World today especially in African Countries with Ghana,not exception.
    One of the steps of addressing corruption menace in our Country,Ghana, is to first all change our attitude and perception towards corruption.
    It is accepted corruption is deeply rooted in every sphere of Ghanaian Society.
    For Ghana, to be seen as corruption free Country,in the eyes of the World, the Ministry of Education and Ghana Education Service ought to design a Educational syllabus on corruption to be thought in all our Schools from Nursery to Tertiary Institutions.

  6. The issue of curruption in African as a continent is one major challenge the plays a major role in preventing most African countries from developing. One factor that can be used to solve corruption in Africa of which our African leaders are not paying attention to has to do with our culture. if African leaders are to respect our culture and pay maximum attention to it then the issue of Corruption will be a thing of the past on the continent.

    In Ghana, corruption has been the order of the day, for you to have a government opportunity like a job or a position then you need to be connected to a big person whos party is in power else you wont be able to get such opportunity. It has however become an order of the day in the country which is preventing the country from developing. in Ghana corruption has ensure that only a few selected people who are connected to big men in power always have the share of the national cake. For corruption to be irradiated in Ghana we need to take our memory back and develop our culture and rule according to our culture to promote maximum development.

  7. More national agencies need to get involved in the fight against the threat. Civil society takes part in governance via supporting candidates for office, discussing policy, voting on important national-level decisions, criticizing the government, protesting poor governance practices, and other activities. Therefore, the nation should give its inhabitants the chance to evaluate information to aid in decision-making.
    A government committed to ensuring transparency, accountability, and participation will recognize organizations like the national Commission for civil Education despite the fact that media are still regarded as the most significant institution through which citizens evaluate political information and knowledge. Additionally, Ghana must approach cases of corruption holistically, but we also need to take into account our society, which is also plagued by petty corruption, which is just as harmful to the nation’s common citizens.
    As a result, corruption in Ghana, in whatever forms and degrees, has also contributed to the country’s slow pace of development.By allowing taking special prosecution (osp) to handle corruption cases without interference from the current administration, corruption cases would decrease and nations would progress as intended.

  8. One significant obstacle to the development of most African nations is the problem of corruption across the continent as a whole. Our culture is one aspect that can be used to address corruption in Africa, but our African leaders are not paying attention to it. If African leaders appreciate our culture and give it their full attention, corruption on the continent will be a thing of the past. In Ghana, corruption has long been the norm; to gain a government chance, such as a job or a position, you must be connected to a powerful person whose party is in power; otherwise, you won’t be able to. However, it has spread throughout the nation and is now considered the norm, which is impeding the country’s development. In Ghana, corruption has made sure that only a select group of individuals with connections to powerful men always get a piece of the national pie. Ghana needs to go back in time to construct its culture and establish laws that are consistent with that culture in order to eradicate corruption.

  9. The issue of corruption throughout the whole continent of Africa is one major barrier to the growth of the majority of African countries. While our African leaders should be paying attention to it, one component of our culture that may be used to combat corruption in Africa is not. Corruption on the African continent will vanish if African leaders respect our culture and give it their entire attention. In Ghana, corruption has long been seen as the standard. If you want to have a chance with the government, like a job or a position, you need to be linked to someone influential whose party is in power. However, it has spread across the country and is now accepted as the standard, which is limiting the nation’s development. Only a tiny set of people in Ghana with links to influential men consistently receive a piece of the national pie thanks to corruption. To eliminate corruption, Ghana must travel back in time to create its culture and set up laws that are congruent with it.

  10. The country should reprimand corrupt individuals inside those institutions rather than accusing those institutions and collective groupings of corruption in order to get them to change their ways. It is regrettable that people now admire and honor others only because they are wealthy without considering where their income comes from. The persistence of pervasive corruption is one of the factors hindering the conversion of economic growth into development dividends for all citizens in a continent with high levels of economic growth rates (compared to many other parts of the world). Insofar as the media is concerned, it is crucial to have a robust democratic system and competent governance. A democratic society and efficient administration both rely on the media as a major information source.

  11. Today, corruption is widely accepted as a way of life, especially in African nations, Ghana included.
    Change in attitude and perception about corruption is the first step in resolving the problem in our country, Ghana.
    It is widely acknowledged that corruption permeates every aspect of Ghanaian society.
    Ghana’s Ministry of Education and Ghana Education Service should create an educational curriculum on corruption that will be taught in all of our schools, from nursery to tertiary institutions, if Ghana is to be viewed as a country free of corruption in the eyes of the world. If we all choose not to accept the bribe, we can all contribute to reducing corruption. If we all expose those who demand bribes or try to persuade us to execute tasks that we are not authorized to perform, corruption will eventually become a thing of the past.

    1. The world has made corruption look like a a way of life which is not. The acceptance of corruption by both leaders and citizens has given corruption the chance to grow and cause more damages. Since no one is stressing on the need to uproot corruption in our country Ghana, our leaders have been given the free will to practice corruption without being questioned.
      The media is not playing it’s role of a watchdog and accounting to the people. Some of them are products of corruption meaning; some of them are in the media not because they can do the job but because they bribed their way there.
      Our government officials who are supposed to work for the people and for the nation are working for themselves and against the nation which is causing the nation to fall instead of making progress. The few innocent ones who try to uncover the truth and speak against it are either dragged into practicing corruption or made to go silent. There is no transparency and accountability since every government official that makes it up there is aiming to build their lives and more wealth rather than work the nation.
      There is the need for us to stand up and uproot corruption in our country before it becomes too late.

  12. Corruption is a cancer that eats away at a citizen’s faith in democracy,diminishes the instinct for innovation and creativity. It again erode trust, weakens democracy, hampers economic development and further exacerbate inequality,poverty,social division and environmental crisis.
    Corruption should not be entertain in our society and the various institutions mandated by law to deal issues of corruption must be well resource and given the chance to deal with those indulge in the practice so that it won’t scare away investments and jobs.

  13. Corruption has become the order of the day in our societies and as such led to a retard in the development of most countries , Ghana not excluded. This vice has resulted to the disruption of the welfare of various organizations or institutions in the country. Mostly, we blame our political leaders for this kind of issues ,but have we considered the contribution of the regular citizen in this problem? Until the normal individual changes their values and lifestyle by exhibiting forms of honesty and integrity, the occurrence of corruption cannot be eliminated. it is really heartbreaking that for a person to have access to any form of service, he/she must have connections with a prominent person.

    Also, until there is an effective check on service workers, transparency , no form of nepotism, proper management and accountability on resources, and enforcement of laws to sanction the involvers of this act, it will be impossible to curb this menace in the country. The participation of the media will also serve as an integral tool to ensure that this endemic will be a thing of the past.

  14. Instead of condemning these organizations and collective groups of being corrupt, the nation should reprimand corrupt individuals inside them in order to modify their behavior. One of the obstacles to the translation of economic progress into development dividends for all African inhabitants is the existence of systemic corruption.

    The leaders of Africa are not concerned about the culture of corruption. Ghana needs to go back in time and establish laws that work with that way of life. If special prosecution (osp) was employed to handle cases without intervention from the corruption administration, the number of corruption cases would decrease.

  15. Government corruption must not be formalize like the western democracy have. Government officials should not hide under “said inflammation” to notoriously spend money that needs to be injected in all sectors of the country to boost the economy and benefit the people. Ruling a country should not be “each one for himself” but “being your brothers keeper” which must not necessarily mean practicing nepotism, thus giving roles to people who who cannot function at a particular sector. If this happens , no matter the amount you inject into the sector, it will still fail.

    Gods ( in this case, politicians and other people of authority) do not behave like the people who make them, citizens vote officials into power by the influence of their manifesto, their policies which protects citizens on paper but not in action. That is why CSOs and the media are paramount in giving the citizens access to information to help us maintain or vote out people who do not execute their policies.

    However, corruption is not only limited to politics or people in higher authorities. It is therefore the nature of man, In old in even contemporary times man have always wanted the luxury of life which those who can not get it call it “vanity”. It is a global practice that is seen in the big cities down to smaller villages. For example, when the “big men in power” give huge bribes to get away with of an unlawful act. In rural areas, man can bribe another to just sit on a particular truth with perhaps few farm produce and the likes.

  16. Today in Ghana, it has become a norm that the ones who commit the crime and is supposed to face the law, someone sits somewhere and makes a phone call just for the person to be freed. And even if the person eventually faces the law, the one who does the punishment is rather seen as the bad one. As we often say whom you know, in Ghana now, if you do not know anyone anywhere, your problem is not seen as one.

    These corruptions are even often committed by the very people who know the law and people with good standing in the country.

    I think if corrupted people are brought to book and given custodial sentences after been proven guilty by a court of competent jurisdiction, and also published on the media, both in government and private sectors, it will serve as a deterrent to others and others who are doing same will surely desist from their corrupt deeds.

  17. It is regrettable that many now regard others highly just because they are wealthy, without giving any thought to how they got that way. The country ought to reprimand corrupt individuals inside those institutions rather than condemning those organizations and groups as a whole of being corrupt in the hopes that they would change their ways.
    Corruption has long been regarded as the norm in Ghana. You need to be connected to someone influential if you want to have a chance with the government, such as a job or a position. Only a small group of Ghanaians with connections to powerful individuals constantly get a piece of the national pie. It is unfortunate that many people today value others highly simply because they are wealthy, without considering how they got that way. Instead of labeling these organizations and groups as corrupt as a whole in the hopes that they will change their methods, the nation should rebuke corrupt individuals inside them.

  18. We are in a society where money, food items, souvenirs and tribalism are used to determine our sense of reasoning, how can we fight corruption. It started during campaign and stays with us during 4yrs of that particular party. The mindset of the citizens needs to change be we can fight corruption.

    It is find in every institution we find ourselves including our homes therefore anti corruption needs to be taught by parent whiles their children are growing up by setting a good example for them and let’s stop accepting money and items from politicians to erase our sense of reasoning my voting wrongly
    As said by the Ghana anthem “Oman beye yie efiri yen are”

  19. The fight against corruption would be easier if we all come together and make it work. We can start by not accepting bribe or giving bribe. It takes one or two people to start making a change then it continues but if we decide to follow the footsteps of our corrupt leaders and also do same we are causing more harm than good. It’s also time for the media to play the role of a watchdog and avoid covering up corruption in exchange for little favors and money.
    Ghanaians should stop accepting money and other valuables to vote for leaders who they know are not capable and can’t do the job to make Ghana successful.

  20. The fight of corruption in the world has still not received its full attention, the reason being that most of the Agencies to fight corruption has turned to be the receiving end of bribery. The judicial service who are to deal with perpetrators are at the end receiving gifts. In most of the African countries, when one is caught in corruption, he/ she questions the agency to provide evidence. With this he or she is made to escape punishment. If the perpetrators are not punished, how will corruption stop?
    Government officials in, politicians, and the civil servants are given jobs through bribery and corruption. They will also make sure they also work to get what they paid for. And it is going to continue from generation to generation. All the corruption Agencies that s been set to fight corruption and perpetrators should be allowed to work independently without Government’s interferenc. Any Government official caught in bribery should to punished accordingly without any interference.

  21. It is regrettable that many now regard others highly just because they are wealthy, without giving any thought to how they got that way. The country ought to reprimand corrupt individuals inside those institutions rather than condemning those organizations and groups as a whole of being corrupt in the hopes that they would change their ways.
    Corruption has long been regarded as the norm in Ghana.
    You need to be connected to someone influential if you want to have a chance with the government, such as a job or a position. Only a small group of Ghanaians with connections to powerful individuals constantly get a piece of the national pie. It is unfortunate that many people today value others highly simply because they are wealthy, without considering how they got that way. Instead of labeling these organizations and groups as corrupt as a whole in the hopes that they will change their methods, the nation should rebuke corrupt individuals inside them.

  22. Despite corruption levels in Ghana remaining low compared to other African countries, it still poses an obstacle for businesses operating or planning to invest in Ghana. Ghana has an enthusiastic press that play a key role in political discourse, national identity and popular culture. Economic sustainability, however, is a challenge for Ghana’s media. In Ghana, citizens are at liberty to create civil society organization and engage in activism of any kind, including anti-corruption activities. The nation should promote transparency and access to information, countries successful at curbing corruption have a long tradition of government openness and freedom of the press. Access to information increases the responsiveness of government bodies, while simultaneously having a positive effect on the levels of public participation in a country.

    Empower citizens, strengthening citizens demand for anti-corruption and empowering them to hold government accountable is a sustainable approach that helps to build mutual trust between citizens and government. For example, community monitoring initiatives have in some cases contributed to the detection of corruption , reduced leakages of funds, and improved the quantity and quality of public services.

  23. Despite corruption levels in Ghana remaining low compared to other African countries, it still poses an obstacle for businesses operating or planning to invest in Ghana. Ghana has an enthusiastic press that play a key role in political discourse, national identity and popular culture. Economic sustainability, however, is a challenge for Ghana’s media. In Ghana, citizens are at liberty to create civil society organization and engage in activism of any kind, including anti-corruption activities. The nation should promote transparency and access to information, countries successful at curbing corruption have a long tradition of government openness and freedom of the press. Access to information increases the responsiveness of government bodies, while simultaneously having a positive effect on the levels of public participation in a country.

  24. We should denounce corruption rather than comparing our nation to other countries’ levels of corruption. We can still find a solution, even though corruption has become ingrained in our society.
    In a nation where grades and educational attainment are no longer important and where having ties to influential people is necessary to land a respectable position (e.g., in immigration, government service, etc.), having these connections is crucial.

    The country ought to encourage openness in government and freedom of the press since those nations with a successful track record in reducing corruption have extensive histories of these policies.

  25. Corruption, when allowed to run unchecked, will definitely sink our country, the signs are all there to see, but I do agree with the writer’s assertion, that suggests that it is the citizenry themselves, who have helped fuel this corruption canker,
    Why?, let me tell you why, we tend to mock public officials who decide to live a simplistic lifestyle, those who live by the book tend to be called all sorts of names, with society treating them with like the plague.

    Why should a civil servant who was not corrupt come home on pension, without a single building to his name, and society will call him useless because he could not put up a building to live in while he was in active service?
    So in order for someone not to be called useless, they will grab anything and everything they can lay their hands on, so that in future, they will not be called useless.

    I doubt if corruption can be erased totally, but it can be brought to the barest minimum if we all come to a place of conviction and consensus, by deciding to allow public officials and indeed, every person in a position of influence to work without undue pressure and unrealistic expectations, celebrate people who have lived exemplary lives, applaud values and morals, instead cheering only those with money and positions on.

    These will go a long way to changing some of these sad narratives we hear about all the time, if we do not do that, then it will be back to business as usual.
    Thank you

  26. Formalizing governmental corruption in the modern day would be a peculiar decision for any government or nation to adopt, as demonstrated by Ghana’s current economic position, which is directly attributable to grand and petty corruption, as well as mismanagement and carelessness.

    It is obvious that corruption cannot lead to the appropriate trajectory, hence institutions of the state are required to combat corruption and remain operational. Journalists and civil society organizations like ASEPA must help them. We must select our leaders through the proper procedures, watch them closely, and keep a close eye on them while they carry out the tasks we appointed them to.

    1. To fight this canker, there should be transparency for checks, uncover any corruption, produce evidence to that effect and have successful prosecution to anyone who finds his/her self in the corruption act.
      The law should take its cause on anyone who is guilty of taking bribe from someone illegally.
      The media serves as a information source it is important to have a democratic system and competent Governance. A democratic society and efficient administration rely on the media for credible information source

  27. Formalizing government corruption in this contemporary times will be a bizarre choice any government or country will make because a very palpable example today is Ghana’s economic situation which was clearly caused by grand and petty corruption along with mismanagement and recklessness.

    Clearly, corruption cannot lead a to the right trajectory so institutions of state mandated must check corruption and be up and doing. They must be supported by journalists and civil society organizations like ASEPA. We must choose leaders through the very rightfully means, monitor and be on their necks to fulfil the duties we chose them for.

  28. Corruption issues are mostly seen in developing countries. A country cannot be developed if there is a high level of corruption.
    By its very nature corruption is difficult to combat. This is because the people that have the power to end corruption can be the ones benefitting from the corrupt system. However, it is possible to tackle corruption by establishing accountability through oversight systems and transparent decision-makers to demand for honest transparency and be responsible for their actions.
    Individuals are also corrupt, but they end up blaming the government, we can make changes by rejecting bribes and focusing on what is just.

  29. It is extremely disheartening and humbling to see how far or rather i should say how little Ghana has progressed since gaining independence from our colonizers. The age-old excuse of ”we were oppressed’ and ‘development takes time’ can no longer be uttered and allowed to fly without the burn of shame tinting our cheeks. Although the dregs of our harrowing history indeed have left an indelible mark on our present and for the foreseeable future our possible prospects as well. It begs the question.
    Is this who we are? Is this who we want to be as a nation? Wheeling and dealing our futures away for fleeting highs and lasting (unbeknownst to us) lows? Charity begins at home. There has never been a truer statement.
    Perhaps teaching our youth that there is more to life than crazy get rich schemes and selfish ambitions might be a good place to start.

  30. Corruption in whichever form,whether grand,petty or political, has been and shall continue to be the bane of the African continent,whose leaders firstly and largely have not mastered the courage to deal with it.The big question is why so?Why so,in view of all the anti-curruption bodies, civil society organisations and the bureaucratic systems in place in the public sector to deal with them?I cannot but agree with the writer that if our leaders are corrupt, then it is the way we have created them, influenced them to the top and the position they occupy.

    In Ghana specifically, until the monetization of all elections of leadership positions, appointments into public spaces with the motive of being rewarded financially, the ordinary citizen allowing himself to be influenced with money and so on are stopped, the economy shall be continually denied of its just revenues through corruption. The bodies created such as the National Commission on Civic Education (NCCE),the Office of the Special Prosecutor ( OSP) shall continue to be ineffective if they are continually under-resourced and frustrated. Leadership must also allow these bodies to work independently and finally the whole citizens mindset s must change to force leadership to a state of full transparency and accountability. Above all the media must rise up to its mandate as the 4th Estate of the nation and put the powers that be to check by revealing and exposing all corrupt individuals without fear or favour. We must all collectively play our part to save Mother Ghana

    Long live Ghana!!!

  31. Corruption is going to be a very difficult task to eliminate. Comparing other countries to yourself should be the last thing on are mind. Sometimes it is we the citizens that gives the official the opportunity to showcase their corrupt act .In Ghana it is well known as who knows you when you need a job or and opportunity.
    Even though it is going to be a very difficult task to eliminate when we end up working together as a country , making laws to back the end of corruption and with the help of the media who will serve are a tool for checking I think it will go a long way .

  32. It will be extremely challenging to eradicate corruption. The very last thing we should consider is comparing ourselves to other nations. The opportunity for an official to display their corrupt behavior is occasionally provided by us, the populace. When looking for a job or an opportunity, Ghanaians are noted for knowing who to contact.
    Even though it will be very challenging to eradicate, I believe that if we work together as a nation to pass legislation supporting the end of corruption and with the aid of the media who will act as a check, we can get a lot done.

  33. I believe we as the citizens are also part of the problem. As corruption is define as covering a wide range of misuse of entrusted funds and power for private gain. If we can be patriotic and nationalistic enough to know bribing and corruption is the major problem that is destroying our country, then and only then can help to stop it.
    Greed and selfishness is what is really leading must of the citizens into this act and it is destroying every good thing of this country.

  34. Corruption according to Ghana Integrity Initiative (GII), a local chapter of transparency international makes it clear that the manner has been normalize and institutionalize in our country despite all the policies and institution put in place to check the canker. The fact that corruption is endemic in countries such as Guinea Bissau, Eritrea, Guinea and Nigeria among others does not mean Ghana should relent in its efforts to minimize the canker. In fact it is an incitement on all anti-corruption agencies and policies to remain ineffective with regards to the objectives for their formulation and establishment.

    The ”whom you know” syndrome identified as a serious problem in Ghana where access to opportunities is always through acquaintances. This becomes more sad when government officials sometimes connive with business owners to evade taxes. The article states how citizens of Ghana have created a system where leaders are entrapped to offer various assistances to the citizen which render public office holders helpless or vulnerable. The writer conclude by suggesting a reinforcement of our Ghanaian virtues to deal with the canker. The writer ends by wondering if the issue of a lobbying could be formalized to allow it to be properly regulated. It is quite evident that the National Commission for Civil Education (NCCE) and the various anti corruption agencies have not lead up to expectation with regard to the mandate for which they were established. Moving forward the NCCE I think should be much more effective in educating the citizenry to be aware of the consequences of the corruption related activities. In conclusion, anti corruption agencies like Economic and Organized Crime Office (EOCO) and Office of The Special Prosecutor (OSP) should work in partnership with the media to bring to light corrupt activities of citizens in order to facilitate the developmental agenda of our dear nation.

  35. Formalizing government corruption in this contemporary times will be a bizarre choice any government or country will make because a very palpable example today is Ghana’s economic situation which was clearly caused by grand and petty corruption along with mismanagement and recklessness.

    Clearly, corruption cannot lead a country to the right trajectory so institutions of state mandated must check corruption and be up and doing. They must be supported by journalists and civil society organizations like ASEPA. We must choose leaders through the very rightfully means, monitor and be on their necks to fulfil the duties we chose them for.

  36. Because of the governor’s dominant position in the economy and the lack of indigenous social traditions in the legal systems, corruption of public officials poses a unique problem in developing nations. Corruption may be an effective method of influencing government policy when special interest groups or minorities have no legal channels of influence.
    I will define corruption as the misuse of authority for personal benefit in the simplest terms possible.
    Among the repercussions that corruption has on nations like Ghana include;
    Economic inefficiencies, development distortions, barriers to both domestic and foreign investment, and talent blunting are all effects of it. Due to the necessity of making illicit payments in the form of requested or unrequested bribes to governmental and other agencies in exchange for favors and influence, it stunts the expansion of businesses. Low productivity, poor management, a sluggish rate of development, and other undesirable traits are produced, which are traits linked with corruption-prone locations. Generally speaking, it encourages economic degradation, social unrest, and political instability, undercuts the state’s ability to uphold the rule of law and justice, and generally erodes public confidence in the system.
    More national agencies must be involved in the fight against the threat. Civil society takes part in governance via supporting candidates for office, discussing policy, voting on important national-level decisions, criticizing the government, protesting unethical government behavior, and other activities. Ghana must approach cases of corruption comprehensive and integrated, but we also need to take into account our society, which is also plagued by petty corruption, which is just as harmful to the nation’s common citizens. As a result, corruption in Ghana, in whatever forms and degrees, has also contributed to the country’s slow pace of development. By allowing taking special prosecution to handle corruption cases without interference from the current administration, corruption cases would decrease and countries would progress as intended. Thus, the nation should offer citizens the chance to evaluate information to aid in decision-making. A government committed to ensuring transparency, accountability, and participation will recognize organizations despite the fact that the media are still regarded as the most significant establishment by which citizens evaluate political information and knowledge.

  37. Many people in today’s society are rather hapless when they regard others highly simply because they are wealthy, rather than taking into account the factors that contributed to their wealth. Instead of condemning corrupt groups and organizations as a whole, the country should reprimand corrupt individuals within them.
    It can be found in any institution, including our own homes. As a result, parents must teach their children the value of anti-corruption by setting a good example for them as they grow up. Furthermore, we must stop accepting money and gifts from politicians in order to avoid losing our sense of logic by voting incorrectly.

  38. Every Race has a culture. There is no Naturally occuring Rich Culture anywhere in the World, until the GOOD in that culture is crystallised and develop to attract Admirers and Tourists, so as to constitute amongst others; FINANCIAL INCOME.

    Our leaders must able to pay more attention to the good of the Ghanaian culture so that it can add value to the development of the country.

    Do our politicians DREAM at all, when they sleep behind their wives at night?

    Corruption live amongst us all…just because the system has been made so difficult for any average person to survive in it.
    How do they expect Ghanaians to live normal if they are being deprived of their basic needs?
    If no one is above the law then both the people with Power and those with no Power are suppose to face the same judgment when they are caught in any act of corruption, this will serve as a deterrent to any person thinking of taking the same path.

  39. Corruption in African countries is hindering economic, political and social development. It is a major barrier to economic growth, good governance and basic freedoms, such as freedom of speech or citizens’ right to hold governments to account.More than this, corruption affects the wellbeing of individuals, families and communities.
    Bribery does not affect all people equally, it hits the poorest harder than the wealthiest – often denying people access to critical healthcare, education and legal protections, with devastating consequences. Young people, aged 18-34 years, are more likely to pay bribes than older people just to get what they want in life.

    We define corruption as the abuse of entrusted power for private gain. Corruption does not only occur in government buildings. We can see corruption in our daily lives. This impacts the implementation of the rule of law and democratic values. It takes funding away from important infrastructure investments such as roads, schools and hospitals, and deters international investors.It also affect human rights More generally, justice system corruption contributes to an environment in which other human rights abuses can occur with impunity, such as mass arrests and detention, torture, and inhuman or degrading treatment. This can lead to informal – sometimes violent – dispute resolution.Thinking that we can take from the environment and destroy it indiscriminately leads us to corruption and inequity and in promoting good governance is clear. All aspects of good governance are facilitated by a strong and independent media scape within the society. Only when journalists are free to monitor, investigate and criticized the public administration’s policies and actions can good governance take hold.

  40. Corruption distorts development and economic inefficiency in a County which mostly affects the poor and Ghana is one of such. We need to understand that, it is our civic right and responsibility not to be corrupt but rather preach against Corruption and expose people who are corrupt irrespective of who they are.
    The media is very paramount when it comes to fighting Corruption in Ghana for development. Since it checks,monitors and serves as watchdogs in our societies.
    We therefore need to be patriotic and have the Nation at heart by being citizens and not spectators (naming and shaming).

  41. All humans have the potency of being selfish and corrupt. One way or the other we’ve all engaged in corruption before because we all want the best for ourselves first, our family, relatives and then our friends and if corruption becomes an easy alternative, we jump straight into it without realizing that it is actually corruption as well as the negative impact it will have on another citizen. Corruption is a decision that one must take not to engage in. It all depends on how one has been shaped or trained in the society, the kind of legacy the person is willing to leave behind, the moral values, the discipline amongst others.

    Nevertheless, I believe there are levels of corruption and some people go too extreme. Corruption has now became endemic since more people especially those in government institution, business and organization are engaging in it without looking at the impact it will cause on future generations. Since corruption as a national endemic started by actions of individuals then it is necessary that same individuals must change their corruptive motives and action for a better Ghana. Action must be taken, and it must be taken now by each and every citizen in the Nation. I believe one of the way forward is patriotism, let’s love our country enough to stand out for the right course and say “enough is enough against corruption!”

  42. Every Race has a culture. There is no Naturally occuring Rich Culture anywhere in the World, until the GOOD in that culture is crystallised and develop to attract Admirers and Tourists, so as to constitute amongst others; FINANCIAL INCOME.

    Our leaders must be able to pay more attention to the good of the Ghanaian culture so that it can add value to the development of the country…If the Rich Ghanaian culture can generate financial income, then why can’t we channel that into development.

    Do our politicians DREAM at all, when they sleep behind their wives at night?

    The system has been made so hard/difficult for the average person to survive it…

    Corruption lives amongst us all…
    How do they expect Ghanaians to live normal if they are being deprived of their basic needs?
    Everyone will choose to go by the so called “short cut”
    If no one is above the law then both the people with Power and those with no Power are suppose to face the same judgment when they are caught in any act of corruption, this will serve as a deterrent to any person thinking of taking the same path.

  43. One key thing that has destroyed individual and society is corruption, it has been describe by some scholars as “a form of dishonesty or a criminal offense which is undertaken by a person or an organization which is entrusted in a position of authority, in order to acquire illicit benefits or abuse power for one’s personal gain”

    According to the author of the article, citizens influence corruption in society and ought to be blame, I total agree, how?
    To begin, citizens Must elect leaders who are competent and have their interest at heart, some citizens endorse corrupt leaders into office by selling their votes to the highest bidder, interestingly, some citizens exchange their votes with money, food, household items etc. If we are able to elect leaders based on merit, corruption will be minimize.

    Furthermore, Africa, including Ghana needs strong anti corruption agencies, I don’t agree with those calling for new agencies to check corruption, Ghana has, the Police Service, Economic and Organize Crime Office, Bureau of National investigation, Attorney General, and Special Prosecutor. We need committed people who can not be induced to work at these places, men and women of integrity, people who will put their country first. Some of these institutions keep failing us on the fight against corruption, it embolden others to steal as well.

    Again, our 1992 constitution has to be amended, as started by the Mills administration, it should continue, many corrupt politicians, hide behind their constitution to continue their trade, for example, why should the constitution say a president can not be prosecuted whiles in Office? Why can’t Members of Parliament be easily arrested like any suspect? Why must we continue to pay ex-gratia to politicians who retire every 4 years? We need to have a second look at our laws.

    Also, monetization in our body politics is breeding corruption everyday, because people spend a lot to come to power, they end up stealing more, our electoral processes must be free and fair, to enable everyone to contest. If we continue to monetize it, the rich will pay and steal from we the ordinary people.

    Above all these, I strongly believe the media and other stakeholders also have a responsibility to play, the media is described as the fourth estate, if the following could be done, it will help to reduce the menace
    First, journalist/media should function as watch dog over those in government, by so doing corruption will be in check, for example, what Anas Aremeyaw is doing helps to save millions of money, media houses should be encouraged to take it up

    Secondly, the media should partner with National Commission on Civic Education to empower citizens on their role in governance, they ought to know their rights, more education should be done

    Third, advocacy is equally important, the media should name and shame corrupt leaders who steal developmental funds, their names, pictures should be broadcast, to wave off others, example those involved in galamsey must be named and shamed, like what Errastus Asare Donkor, did to wontumi, NPP chairman, Ashanti region

    In the nut, I believe we can reduce corruption by initiating some of the steps outlined, any time you read the Auditor General’s annual report, you see a lot of monies lost to corruption, something can be done to stop these leakages.


  44. One vital factor of good governance is the efficacious role the media plays in keeping the government on its toes and in check. One of doing so is ensuring transparency in the public administration. The media, when allowed access to the administrative works and documents of government is able to pave way for transparency and checks to be effective. Conflicts on interests are exposed as well as dubious and corrupt officials are equally brought to light. The media through transparency helps the government maintain clarity in the execution of it’s mandate and propagating it’s duties. Transparency also calls for the empowerment of the citizenry, curbs corruption and averts the imposing damage corruption has on the country.

    I get perplexed when I hear corruption is only amongst the high and might in the society. But have we ever thought that right from our homes, markets and in our dealings, we engage in corrupt practices that we do not even think about. We as students sometimes go the extra mile of paying people to swap or or at worse change our results on our portals just because we want to avoid resits. How come? Since when did we get to this? Now of this is not corruption then I just be dreaming.

  45. In order to identify or choose the role that culture must play in mitigating corruption, we first need to identify who we are as a people and what we stand for with regards to development. The former President John Agyekum Kuffor, once’s stated when he was ruling that corruption has been in existence since the days of Adam and that there is no way we can completely fight corruption.

    Although, what he said was true, I think such statements among many others are reasons why Ghanaians have culturally accepted corruption as a way of life. Our problem as a people is not the fact that corruption is a syndrome that makes the country sinks in abject poverty, the problem however is the fact that we are not the ones committing it. These means, the act of corruption is not an issue as long as we benefit from it.

    I always cringe and find it appalling anytime we place credence to the white mans statistic of who we are and were we are placed with regards to corruption or our culture. The issues we are facing is absolutely not about whether we are doing well or not. Ghana desperately needs an overhauling through our entire education system to reorient the new generation about its integrity, goodwill and sense of patriotism for the nation. Without these, nothing can be done to fight this canker. We first need to fight corruption in our minds and eventually back it with actions. Aristotle quoted that “We are what we repeatedly do, excellence is then not an act but, a habit. The story and reorientation we tell our generation literally changes the society overtime. If we want to change the country and fight corruption we need to change our culture from the basis to the very top.

  46. A person or group in a position of authority may engage in corruption, which is a kind of dishonesty or a criminal offense, in order to obtain improper benefits or exploit that position for one’s own benefit. Bribery, influence peddling, and embezzlement are just a few of the behaviors that corruption may encompass. It may also involve actions that are permitted in many nations. Directing my opinion to Ghana, it is the Politician who uses their positions to further their own interest.

    For cutting through corruption, there is no sword. Although many nations have made great strides in combating corruption, experts are constantly looking for new approaches and proof of their effectiveness. In order for a country like Ghana to successfully combat corruption, strong law enforcement is required in order to ensure that the corrupt are punished and end the cycle of impunity, or freedom from punishment or loss. A robust legal system, law enforcement agencies, and a free and efficient court system serve as the foundation for successful enforcement strategies.
    Also To achieve more impact than public sector changes on reducing corruption, improvements in financial management and enhancing the role of auditing agencies must be implemented in public administration.
    Thirdly, encouraging openness and information availability. If a country believes in the role of the media as the fourth estate, there should be freedom of the press, which will allow for complete access to information. This is because access to information improves government responsiveness while also increasing levels of citizen involvement. 
    Lastly, strengthening citizens demand for anti-corruption and empowering them to hold government accountable is a sustainable approach that helps to build mutual trust between citizens and government. For example, community monitoring initiatives have in some cases contributed to the detection of corruption, reduced leakages of funds, and improved the quantity and quality of public services.

  47. Corruption in Ghana has become an endemic canker that is destroying our country and jeopardizing its future. Corruption has eaten deep into every fibre of the Ghanaian society, such that it has become the rule rather than the exception. The Ghana initiative warned in2018 that the country loses as much asUS$3 billion to corruption every year, the 2021 Ghana Integrity of public services survey [GIPS}report, which indicated that about GHS 5 billion was paid as bribe to public officials in 2021 alone confirmed this estimate with this being said if we really want to deal with corruption, we must become honest as a people. True, our leaders must show integrity, but we the citizens must also audit our values and lifestyle
    In addition to solving corruption related cases, let us start teaching and educating every citizen on the need to stop corruption. Our political elite and public servants certainly seem to need refresher courses on these values as well.

  48. Corruption has been with us since time immemorial.

    The phenomenon is seen differently in different societies. For instance, the advanced world calls it lobbying, while in Africa, it is seen as appreciation.

    Against this backdrop, it will be unapologetic for anyone to blame the masses for the moral decay especially when everyone has decided to adhere to the tenets of democracy and abide by the absolute rule of the law. For instance, In China, corruption has been made unattractive to the people due to the consequences that will be meted out to anyone found wanting. This was made possible due to their governance system coupled with the leadership style of the country.

    So leaders, have the moral responsibility to enforce laws that will frown upon bribery and corruption to make them unattractive. Instead of being under the guise of the law while milking the state. The masses see the luxury they enjoy, as the main reason they are seen as demigods.

    Aside from this, the media has a moral responsibility to demand accountability and ensure that, it is not business as usual. Every penny, which is intended to be spent for the general good must be scrutinized with an eagle eye to make it very uncomfortable for people to even dream of being corrupt. Also, they need to ensure, openness, fairness, and transparency by educating the people about the dangers of corruption while naming and shaming corrupt officials. This will help curb the menace in the sense that, people who try as much as possible to protect their integrity for that matter will not be comfortable when their names are been dragged into the mud.

    The state must also as a matter of fact not only make corrupt officials refund stolen money, or the police in the street taken bribes refund, but it should make the sin of she or he, affect their generation. By banning them and their generation from public service. Even though it must sound harsh and drastic. Draconian measures sometimes must be applied.

    This can be done when the state has a truly independent judiciary, and effective anti-corruption institution, coupled with a vibrant Civil Society Organization to be a constant watchdog on the duty bearers for them to apply the law amicably for the the benefit of all. A participatory approach must also be adopted to find a lasting solution to effective communication that carries everyone along.

  49. It is extremely disheartening and humbling to see how far or rather i should say how little Ghana has progressed since gaining independence from our colonizers. The age-old excuse of ”we were oppressed’ and ‘development takes time’ can no longer be uttered and allowed to fly without the burn of shame tinting our cheeks. Although the dregs of our harrowing history indeed have left an indelible mark on our present and for the foreseeable future our possible prospects as well. It begs the question. Is this who we are? Is this who we want to be as a nation? Wheeling and dealing our futures away for fleeting highs and lasting (unbeknownst to us) lows? Charity begins at home. There has never been a truer statement. Perhaps teaching our youth that there is more to life than crazy get rich schemes and selfish ambitions might be a good place to start.

  50. For a country to have good governance, the right people with the prerequisite skills and knowledge must be recruited in the public service. People who have the nation at heart rather than their own selfish interests and gains. The media plays a very important role in ensuring the good governance of the state. One of these roles is accountability. The media ensures that government is held accountable especially towards it’s citizenry. The media ask the right and appropriate questions that are or interest to the citizens and the nation at large. This implies that the government must uphold itself as a corruption free body incapable of illegal means of enriching only itself. As part of making government accountable, the media acts as whistle blowers to expose corrupt government official in the country.

    Ghana over the years has done the poor in the management of corruption and this has gone a long way to dent the image of the nation. We as citizens together with the media must ensure transparency in the doings of the government. In order to have a country with good governance. The government must be transparent enough to allow conflicts of interest not to happen in it’s administrative work. I believe as a nation, once we rise to say no to corruption not only in our sayings but by our actions and deeds as well, Ghana will be great again.

  51. Corruption creates and increases poverty and exclusion. While the corrupt with political power enjoy lavishly at the expense of the people that voted them into power. However, there is the little little corruption that exists in our society, which also has a hand in the slow pace of our country’s development.
    To bring corruption to an end will begin with we the regular citizens who would have to eradicate corruption of any form from our society by not receiving or taking bribes. The media will also have to keep the political leaders accountable by ensuring checks and balances on projects they’ve undertaken.

  52. Ghana still poses obstacles to businesses that operate or are planning to set up due to the corrupt nature of our government officials and authorities. The media as an agent of anti corruption must be vigilant and on its toes in ensuring corruption in this country (Ghana) is reduced to the minimal. This can be achieved by holding the government accountable. The media asking the right questions and demanding answers to questions that will be very beneficial towards the growth of the nation and its people will go a long way to reduce corruption. Who spends what and how it spends when necessitated to the right people and perpetrators brought book and punished will serve as deterrent to corrupt official as well. Holding government accountable always exhudes good governance in a nation.

    When I hear of nations we got our independence way before them and how far they have come in combating corruption, it breaks my heart to think Ghana as country will never get there. I’m of the belief that we have the right and appropriate resources to curb corruption but sometimes, it looks as if those in authority and power think of their own selfish gains rather than the nation. With the dollar rising at a fast rate, market women and business people have turned this into a profiteering venture just by increasing their goods haphazardly. This wrong because it’s corruption. We must put the nation first and think about how to prosper it. Being transparent in our doings will help clamp down the claws of corruption that wants to destroy our dear nation.

  53. Corruption in African countries impede or prevent action for economic, political and social development. It is a major barrier to economic growth and More than this, corruption affects the wellbeing of individuals, families and communities.
    In general, corruption undermines national development as individuals groups or bodies that are not fit for certain positions or do not have the requisite abilities for certain endeavors or undeserving of some rewards are given responsibilities and favors, just because we’re living in a world of connections and ‘who knows you or whom you know’ as the saying keeps going on and on….
    This hits the poorest harder than the wealthiest because they are not well connected with opportunities . The result is the underdevelopment associated with corrupt countries. The effect of corruption on development is particularly of concern. Corruption related to the provision of common social services is more likely to affect poor people because they are more dependent on government or public facilities for indispensable services. In addition to impeding cool growth and investments, corruption also intensifies income inequality gaps especially as the poor and vulnerable are more adversely affected by effects of this misdemeanor. A corrupt country creates conditions that weaker citizens motivation to pay taxes as well.

    So ideally, It takes funding away from important infrastructure investments such as roads, schools and hospitals, and deters international investors.It also affect human rights More generally, and contributes to an environment in which other human rights abuses can occur with impunity, such as mass arrests and detention, torture, and inhuman or degrading treatment. This can lead to informal, sometimes violent – dispute resolution.Thinking that we can take from the environment and destroy it indiscriminately leads us to corruption and inequity.

  54. Corruption in African countries impede or prevent action for economic, political and social development. It is a major barrier to economic growth and More than this, corruption affects the wellbeing of individuals, families and communities. In general, corruption undermines national development as individuals groups or bodies that are not fit for certain positions or do not have the requisite abilities for certain endeavors or undeserving of some rewards are given responsibilities and favors, just because we’re living in a world of connections and ‘who knows you or whom you know’ as the saying keeps going on and on…. This hits the poorest harder than the wealthiest because they are not well connected with opportunities . The result is the underdevelopment associated with corrupt countries. The effect of corruption on development is particularly of concern. Corruption related to the provision of common social services is more likely to affect poor people because they are more dependent on government or public facilities for indispensable services. In addition to impeding cool growth and investments, corruption also intensifies income inequality gaps especially as the poor and vulnerable are more adversely affected by effects of this misdemeanor. A corrupt country creates conditions that weaker citizens motivation to pay taxes as well.

    So ideally, It takes funding away from important infrastructure investments such as roads, schools and hospitals, and deters international investors.It also affect human rights More generally, and contributes to an environment in which other human rights abuses can occur with impunity, such as mass arrests and detention, torture, and inhuman or degrading treatment. This can lead to informal, sometimes violent – dispute resolution.Thinking that we can take from the environment and destroy it indiscriminately leads us to corruption and inequity.

  55. Corruption is global issue that seem to continue despite the many attempt tp curb it. Narrowing it down to Africa and Ghana to be precise, we continue to experience this issue of corruption even in the most minuscle way; for instance a child unable to go to a well deserved school because it has been filled up with people who could grease the palm of the superiors better, or getting into government institution and requesting for help, which indeed is the civil workers job and are supposed to assist you, but rather will request payment, another instance is is when qualified people for the job position are sidelined because he or she does not have a “big man” championing his or her appointment.

    The very way we can start putting an end to this issue called corruption, is when we as individuals change or reverse or mindset and do whatever work we are entrusted with, diligently and truthfully without the use of power allocated to us wrongly. Most especially in expectance of a reward. As it is said Charity begins at home and training our children to be honorable people also is important.when individuals endeavor to make things right, from the lowest level up to the political levels or leaders, there will be a significant change decrease in the issue corruption in country.

  56. Corruption in world today where public officials, whether politicians or civil servants, in which they improperly and unlawfully enrich themselves or those close to them through the misuse of public power entrusted to them. I believe these leaders have accepted this act, so they do not feel the need to be looked upon it as a distraction ton development.

    People involved in corruption appear to be proud of themselves because they make more money in a shorter period of time. Worse, those involved in corruption are more likely to receive promotions and opportunities than others. so then why will people not perceive corruption to be something normal? corruption starts from us. everyone wants a bigger and a better cut and therefore acts to the attitude of corruption.
    If corruption can be reduced, citizens or individuals must be disciplined. This may take a longer time, but if not addressed, it will clearly undermine a nation’s development.

  57. What a country we live in, full of greedyness, selfishness and impurity. Corruption has become an endemic canker destroying and jeopardizing the future of the country. Looting of state assets, prosecution of crime often lengthen, and people turn to informal arbitrations. The public is partly to blame for this corruption as parents bribe schools authorities before their wards are admitted and it has become a rule rather than exception.

    As for the government officials corruption scandals have become such reguler occurrence that we barely care when we hear them. Yes we are corrupt but an effective law enforcement and enhancement transparency will help reduce the rate of it we should not forget the role of the media in advocating for an effective good governance.

  58. What a country we live in, full of greedyness, selfishness and impurity. Corruption has become an endemic canker destroying and jeopardizing the future of the country. Looting and misuse of state assets, prosecution of crime often prolong, and people turn to informal arbitrations. The public is partly to blame for this corruption as parents bribe schools authorities before their wards are admitted, market women overpriced their goods and this practices has become a rule rather than exception.

    Government officials with malicious act of corruption have become reguler occurrence that we barely care when we hear them. Yes we are corrupt but an effective law enforcement and enhancement transparency will help reduce the rate of it we should not forget the role of the media in advocating for an effective good governance.

  59. Democracy is widely expected to restrain corruption.Democratic institutions, politics, and commitments to rule of law and accountability facilitate the discovery, publicity and punishment of corrupt behaviors. In recent years, there has emerged a heightened recognition of the negative impact of the pandemic of corruption in Ghana and its ensuing negative consequences on the socio-economic development process, as well as its corrosive impact on society and on the fledgling democratization process.

    To this end, The Ghana government, international organizations, foreign governments and local citizens should all play a pivotal and central role to ensure that corrupt activities in Ghana will yield no current gains or future benefits inside or outside the country. Corruption negatively affects the development process at the administrative, economic, political and social levels.

  60. It is critical that the issue of corruption be addressed – for corporate and political integrity are important to realizing the sustainable future we are striving to reach as citizens.Even if the issue of corruption cannot be erased totally there’s a possibility of it being reduced and it begins from we the citizens of the country before the media and the various anti-corruption agencies perform their role.
    However the issues of corruption can be curbed as long as the media and anti-corruption agencies acts in favor of the people and ensure that there’s transparency, accountability,advocacy, informing, and playing watchdog to promote good governance in the country.

  61. The media can play a vital role in the exposure of corruption by informing and educating people about the detrimental effects of corruption and, through exposure, increase the political risk of those involved in corrupt practices by initiating legal measures against them.
    Corruption is a canker that when not properly dealt with properly from the political leaders, down to we the citizens will continue to make our country retrogress in development rather than progress. The media’s mandate to serve as watchdog can go a long way to curb this act.

  62. It all starts with the involvement of stakeholders and citizens at large in the making, monitoring, review and termination of policies and decisions that affect their lives. Citizens involvement in socio-political affairs is the best way to empower civil society which is one of the ways to having a good governance. Ghana aa a country needs to provide opportunities for citizens to access information to help them in decision making and the media is considered one of the most important institutions through which citizens may access political information and knowledge.
    Corrupt practices robs government the means to ensure good life for its people. There should be greater transparency checks in public administration which allows one to check on the possible conflicts of interest and ensures greater legitimacy for the government.
    To figgt this, making officials seeve in the interest of the ordinary Ghanaian citizen other than their own selfish gain would rewuire us as a people by making sure tgat agencies that are in charge of fighting corruption solely do so devoid of any manipulation. For example the national commission for civic education is a non-partisan governance institution which is to promote and sustain democracy and create the awareness of their riggts and education through civic education. The office of the special prosecutor is to establish a more efficient and effective mechanism and a machinery in the fight against the canker corruption. It is up to each and everyone of us to hold ourselves accountable for the good of our country. Being a patriotic citizen starts with the individual , no one can make us better other than ourselves. When we are as a people call our leaders to order, punish offenders, make the government seats very accountable, transparent, we advocate when we see corrupt officials to be brouggt to ve brought to check that is where we can now say as citizens to now have the power in telling our leaders how we want to be governed and what we are expecting of them and should they fail in their wuest they will face the full rigours of the law and whuch the media should hepl in making everyone inow what is happening. We owe it to ourselves in ensuring that our country develops and is void of corruption.

    1. It is important for the country as a whole to eradicate corruption because it undermines national stability. Limiting that will also be aided by the media’s ability to expose the corrupt authorities in the system. The special prosecutor has been tasked with working to expose corrupt individuals to the law, but he or she has reportedly done very little to date, at least according to what I’ve heard, in order to do so. Inequality, poverty, social division, and the environmental disaster are all made worse by corruption, which erodes confidence, undermines democracy, hinders economic growth, and all of these factors. We still find ourselves in a more corrupt situation than before despite journalists like Ana’s Armeyaw Anas exposing the corrupt officials in charge. Additionally, as citizens, we may aid in the eradication of Corruption: When we discover anything suspect, we speak out and act transparently, which means we take on the role of watchdogs for our nation and bring the guilty to justice.

  63. Corruption happens everywhere such as schools, hospitals, ministries, churches, etc. It is excruciating on how corruption has hamper economic development inequality, poverty, social division and environmental crisis. People in authorities live luxurious lifestyle with their family and friends using government and organizational funds and ignores, basic needs of people at the bottom.
    To expose corrupt authorities in position and holding them to account can only happen if we understand the way corruption works and the systems that enable it. To reduce corruption, the should be a culture of intolerance. People in authority who are found guilty for their corrupt deeds must be investigated and prosecuted to promote disciplinary measures .
    Lastly, to reduce corruption, the media must be independent and access of information to promote freedom of expression and transparency.

  64. Corruption happens everywhere such as schools, hospitals, ministries, churches, etc. It is excruciating on how corruption has hamper economic development inequality, poverty, social division and environmental crisis. People in authorities live luxurious lifestyle with their family and friends using government and organizational funds and ignores, basic needs of people at the bottom.
    To expose corrupt authorities in position and holding them to account can only happen if we understand the way corruption works and the systems that enable it. To reduce corruption, the should be a culture of intolerance. People in authority who are found guilty for their corrupt deeds must be investigated and prosecuted to promote disciplinary measures .
    Lastly, to reduce corruption, the media must be independent and access of information to promote freedom of expression and transparency.

  65. Corruption in Africa plays a major role in preventing countries from developing. In Ghana for instance, when seeking for a job, it favors the one who has links with th officials and are able to get the job especially in the government sectors, these people are mostly connected to the government in power.
    However, it has spread to all aspects not only in seeking for job it is now considered norm of the day which is delaying the process of our country.
    Inorder for corruption to be checked, there should be an education by the Ministry of Education and Ghana Education Service on corruption which should be thought in schools so as to reduce corruption.
    Additionally, a government that ensures participation , transparency, and accountability will recognize organisations like the National Commission for Civil Education despite the fact that media are still regarded as the most significant institution through which citizens evaluate political information and knowledge .
    Above all, we all as citizens must have a change of mind first so as to curb corruption and then , we can become a progressive county

  66. I think instead of grouping an entire organization or groups or institutions as corrupt, the nation or the people in it should rather rebuke and scold the individuals amongst these institutions or organizations that push corrupt agendas. Unfortunately, people turn to give respect and admiration to the rich and turn a blind eye to the source of their riches. One major thing that fights development and financial stability is corruption.

    To fight such a thing more national agencies must be engaged and the media being the fourth estate must also be engaged. The government must allow complete transparency to the media since the media is one of the most important institution where the people have access to information but sadly the government has refused to be completely transparent. In order to ensure good governance, the media is one of the strongest pillars because it allows the citizens (stock holders) access to information on what is going on in the nation.

  67. I think instead of grouping an entire organization or groups or institutions as corrupt, the nation or the people in it should rather rebuke and scold the individuals amongst these institutions or organizations that push corrupt agendas. Unfortunately, people turn to give respect and admiration to the rich and turn a blind eye to the source of their riches. One major thing that fights development and financial stability is corruption.
    To fight such a thing more national agencies must be engaged and the media being the fourth estate must also be engaged. The government must allow complete transparency to the media since the media is one of the most important institution where the people have access to information but sadly the government has refused to be completely transparent. In order to ensure good governance, the media is one of the strongest pillars because it allows the citizens (stock holders) access to information on what is going on in the nation.

  68. Corruption has become a norm in our everyday lives. There probably isn’t any institution that one wouldn’t see corruption. ECB at some churches that we consider a sacred place, there is corruption. How then do we define corruption? According to google, corruption is a DISHONEST or FRAUDULENT conduct by by those in power, typically involving bribery.
    How then do we define bribery? Is it the giving of money or the taking of money. Our culture is such a way that, when someone assists you in acquiring something, you also try to reciprocate that kind gesture by giving something in appreciation. This could be interpreted in diverse ways depending on the mindset with which it comes. It will interest you to know that, traditionally and culturally, our system endorses corruption. Some of our proverbs like “wo nsa ekyi 3nye wo d3 a , 3h) na wo taferi” “wo nsa ekyi b3 y3 wo d3 a, 3nti s3 wo nsa yem” “3si ni t3tsr3ma 3ku 3sa se3 se3 w) nt3m” condone corruption in a way.

  69. Certain problems, including unemployment, management of the economy, and education consistently remain priorities for Ghanaians. These notwithstanding, the importance of corruption as a problem as weighed against others has slowly risen from the first time the question was asked. It is therefore imperative that government pay attention to the citizens’ perception of corruption.
    The clearest sign however in any government fighting corruption harder, will not come from how important it is ranked in comparison to other problems. The clearest signal will come from the perceptions of corruption in key institutions and the extent to which Ghanaians feel any government is fighting corruption well.

    I think corruption is generally fuelled by individual negative attitude such as dishonesty, especially. Leadership functions not based upon the rule of law. And also the materialistic nature of capitalists makes a bad influence on citizens, politicians especially.
    I will say bad leadership is also a mount in corruption, if a leader set example by using those close to him as scapegoat, will someone elsewhere will get hook up to corruption?. We are in a country where when someone commits he get the full support from his/her party.
    The constitution is also a problem which gives room for the people in big positions to indulge in corruption act and I believe we need constitutional reform to tighten the loopholes.
    We can never end corruption without digitization n co.
    We need National Card for Security systems and Online Payments to stop bribes.

  70. Corruption has become a way of life across the world and every country has a unique way in which they indulge in it. The African continent at large has taken corruption to level where it seems nothing can be done to curb this menace. Taking Ghana in perspective, the leadership has been successful in making corruption the most attractive thing ever, this is because, everything move the Ghanaian citizen takes in every aspect of life, the first thing to think about is whom you know or who knows you. The most disheartening thing is, corruption can only be dealt with with strong and uncompromising systems however,. The leadership is not ready to put some of this measures in place simply because it is not in their interest.
    In addition, every single institution in this country is corrupt, the media who should be playing a very significant role (watchdog) in curbing corruption are in bed with political parties in one way another.

  71. Corruption is entrenched in our communities basically because of our mind set, the get rich quickly kind of mind set and lack of punishment for corruption. As a result of this get rich mindset people are interested in getting money and not caring about where the money comes from. As a result of that alot of people in authority are willing to accept money or any other things to influence their decision making without any resistance. In our part of the world people hardly get punished for engaging in corrupt practices so there isn’t any real form of deterrence. Corruption has always been with us. Most people in our part of the world have the tendency to be corrupt but when deterrent punitive measures are in place it may not completely eliminate corruption but at least minimize because people will have to think twice before engaging in any corrupt acts

  72. Ghana has developed an endemic corruption that is undermining our nation and endangering its future. Ghanaian society is so deeply ingrained with corruption that it now prevails more frequently than not. According to the Ghana initiative’s 2018 warning, the country loses up to $3 billion annually to corruption. The 2021 Ghana Integrity of Public Services Survey [GIPS] report, which showed that approximately GHS 5 billion was paid as bribe to public officials in 2021 alone, confirmed this estimate. As a result, if we truly want to combat corruption, we must change how honest we are as a society. True, our leaders must act honorably, but we as citizens also need to examine our beliefs and way of life.
    Along with resolving

  73. The problem of corruption in Africa as a continent is a major challenge that plays an important role in hindering the development of most African countries. One factor that can be used to solve the corruption in Africa that African leaders are not paying attention to has to do with our culture. With the utmost care, the problem of corruption on the African continent will be a thing of the past.
    It is very awful and humbling to see that little has developed in Ghana since it gained independence from its settlers. Excuses can no longer be admitted verbally without the burning of shame staining our cheeks.
    Corruption is inherently difficult to fight. This is because those who have the power to end corruption can benefit from a corrupt system. It is possible to fight corruption by establishing accountability through a system of oversight. The media and anti-corruption agencies can help curb corruption by acting in favor of the people and ensure that there’s transparency, accountability,advocacy, informing, and playing watchdog to promote good governance in the country.

  74. The need to eliminate corruption is urgent because political and corporate integrity are essential for achieving the sustainable future that we as citizens want to see. Even if corruption cannot be completely eliminated, there is a chance that it can be lessened, and this starts with us, the country’s citizens, before the media and the other anti-corruption agencies play their roles.
    As long as the media and anti-corruption organizations act in the public’s best interests and make sure that there is transparency, accountability, advocacy, informing, and playing watchdog to promote good governance in the nation, the issue of corruption can be reduced.
    on the necessity of eradicating corruption. Certainly, it appears that our political elite and public officials need refresher classes on these

  75. Corruption is prevalent as a result of the nature of humanity. Humanity is never content with anything yet it dreams of greatness and societal cohesion. How about being content to condemn the disparities of corruption. How do we eliminate it when we are responsible for it effects.
    As I believe change that , “chastity begins at home”. Corruption will cease to prevail if we begin to condemn wrong and choose right. Our leaders are influenced by our differences in character development.We are so blinded by insufficiency and illiteracy so we continue to perish. Poverty will gain rise as the day goes by because we refuse to learn, we refuse to adapt and we refuse to change our way of thinking and living (culture). What then is humanity when we cannot stand in unity to defend our mission and vision as a nation. We are inconsiderate of everything since we have forgotten the meaning of compassion and we gobble down more excessively so we cannot perceive the pain and anger our attributed actions inflicts on our society. Until we accept that we are responsible for our doom. Change is delayed and Corruption is prevalent.

  76. We can all help to curb corruption if we all decide not to pay that bribes.We are all part to be blamed and not just the masses. Instead of accusing collective groups and institutions of corruption, the nation should rather chastise individuals in those institutions who are corrupt so they would desist and mend their ways. The media are considered the most important Institution through which citizens get political information and an understanding of the governance process to ensure their demand for transparency, accountability and participation. In Ghana, corruption has made that only a selected few individuals with good contacts to powerful people always get a piece of the national cake. If we all expose the rot and those who demand bribes or try to persuade us to execute tasks that we are not authorized to perform, corruption will eventually become a thing of the past.

  77. Corruption in itself is not an end but rather symptomatic of a much more deep-seated problem of a lack of patriotism, nationalism and an increasingly worrying high levels of apathy among citizens. When apathy has risen above the heads of a country’s citizens, as we now see prevalent in Ghana today, it is clear that they will no longer be bothered by ‘small’ injustice.
    And their skin becomes increasingly numb to the thirst for equity, probity and accountability. It is clear that as a country we are well past the point where we can lay claim to a quick turnaround; we are in a crisis really.
    What worries me most is that such increasing blatant incidents of corruption and injustice will see to it that good men will stop believing in the dream of our nation’s virtue, and no one will willingly take up the mantle to make it so. Without that amorphous defense… we will all perish.
    It is clear that above we need to look within ourselves individually, after all we are the sum of our society; become the reason that other people feel emboldened to endeavor to become more, to do more!

    1. Corruption refers to the abuse of national power for personal profit and means the failure of good government. It is widely assumed that governments that are less corruption take more effective bureaucracies and make more efficient term. Dishonesty,However, is not a word for thr bad government and should be disti gushed from incompetence and injustice. It frequently gets difficult, indirect impacts on the poor and raw materials.
      The writing on national involvement in government, civil society and politics is extensive, and the language ‘engagement’ is peppered throughout. Conflict, in the government and policy environment that interests us here, implies a relatively continuous and orderly interaction between the parties. It involves the sharing of information, the gift of the reports, the sharing and receiving of understanding, and the voice of beliefs. ‘Confict is not a single activity or set of actions. It is an on-going activity or language that builds confidence and relationships.’
      Activist and publics government enthusiasts commonly contend that clarity fosters democracy and better government, helps fight corruption and is essential for the defense of human rights.(Angèlico,F.,Apr.2012)
      Nevertheless, these government methods usually follow indicators of corruption in the public level, they go to account for corruption in different levels across private and public sectors. Recent reports stress the quality of corruption and emphasise that it has direct and indirect connections to environ-psychological and economic consequences. As the consequence, corruption does not necessarily lead to environmental degradation and does not usually get the direct cause and effect relation. When public public officials obtain bribes to assist criminal exploitation, resource usage may actually decrease.

      Over time, dishonesty has been determined differently. For instance, in a simple setting, while performing job for the government or as a legislator, it is wrong to receive the gift. Any available gift would be interpreted as the strategy to entice the recipient towards some prejudices. In most cases, this gift is seen as the intent to seek specific favors. For a example, job promotion, tipping in order to get the bid, work or exemption form specific jobs in thr example of young worker giving this gift to the senior employee who will be important in winning the advantage.
      Clarity in economic dealings and operation is important to reducing corruption in developing economies. Smaller steps, example, business bid for contracts, clarifying control and the transfer of control, sending laws to provide citizens to better understand the economic and legal procedures, And making a forum for airing complaints will do alot for establishing a fairer and less corrupted community.

      To secure the advancement and defense of children’s rights in Ghana, the Ghana NGO Coalition on the Rights of the Child was established. Through advocacy, public education, raising awareness, building capacity, and forming partnerships with the government, civil society organizations, development partners, and children themselves, they work to fulfill their objective.
      The Ghana NGO organisation on the Right of the person (GNCRC) collaborates with various Ghanaian authorities and ministries, including this building for woman and kid’s involvement, to prevent harm to children. To secure child involvement and empowerment of girls at this district level, girls ‘boards have also been constituted to liaise between their peers and group child security committees.
      Dishonesty is permeating across cultures and endemic in nations, be they tiny or huge, poor or wealthy, individualistic or collectivity or in the North or south. Papers generally capture just startling cases of large-scale corruption. Petty corruption, However, has long been a part of, or quite thr means of, ‘normal’ living in some parts of the world. Moreover, those who make or say bribes in a specific place, for an example the office or the house of the official, may need in another place, example. The courtroom , that these were ‘gifts’.

  78. In our modern world, corruption is seen as a basic lifestyle as the act is performed by more than many people. This is why it isn’t yet seen as a taboo for public officials to accept inducements before they carry out whichever duty they are assigned to do. It is rather unfortunate that those (those in power or opinion leaders) who are to strictly see to it that the issue of corruption will be brought to a standstill are rather more involved in corrupt activities. Which is why, especially as a nation, we do not seem to be developing because, opportunities are given to those not deserving of it and those who deserve, lack these opportunities all in the name of corruption and sometimes favoritism.
    In as much as it seems little or nothing can be done to curb the issue of corruption, there can be conscious efforts made by citizens to bring this to a standstill. It takes little efforts to start making a change. Therefore if we the citizens make up our minds to not indulge in these acts, it can go a long way in helping the nation develop as a nearly corruption-free nation.

  79. Corruption is the lack of of integrity and honesty by a political leader or governmentupon its state. It is a poisonous mechanism that leaves a deep hole in a state. There is a corruption of higher level by the state which is the Grand corruption, there is a corruption of abusing of political office by political leaders in their dealings with citizens and this is the petty corruption, we also have the corruption termed Political Corruptionwhere there is manipulation of policies, institutions by political leaders to navigate their political powers on state resources. In Ghana, it is evident that all this type of corruption is in play and it has labelled the country as a very dark state with respect to corruption, however, no government has made it a point to at least slow the pace of corruption because of belittling the government sees the citizen. Due to these actions, the country has been left in shambles and it has affected our economic efficiency, it has led to the distortion of development, impeded the growth of businesses and has low productivity.The citizens must know the inflow and outflow of state resources,how state resources are being used until then if the government continues with its corruptive lifestyle, it saddens me to say there will be no hope for the future generations.

  80. Corruption is the break of progress in our society. The difficult part is that is now seem as a way of life and polish in a nice way. People now see it as a blessing or an opportunity where they work and try to take money out of their work or fix things at places which are not right to. This one major break when it comes to development and accountability.

    One way corruption can be minimize is when we look back and enforce the morals that help people stay honest. Instilling this in the generation to come can help the feature terms look better. Our cultural in African push as to “ as soon as you question someone’s integrity, it is a reflection of your own. In doing this we gradually change the narrative and require same of our leaders. We do what we expect them to do and they must do because majority is working towards that.

  81. To fight the threat, more national and private organizations must come on board. Civil Society participates in governance by engaging in voting, debating policies, holding leaders accountable, taking part in critical decisions affecting the nation as a whole, etc.

    The Media is what citizens depend on for their daily dose of what is happening around them, and this cuts across industries like politics, sports and entertainment. This being the case, the media ensures that the government is transparent and accountable.

    Furthermore, the media can only go so far with giving citizens who have brought these politicians into power the accountability they need, hence, the need to restructure the areas where these authorities fall for the temptation to jeopardize a system and put an economy at risk.

  82. Corruption has become a norm in today’s world as people who are paid to work in public institutions end up collecting bribes before they carry out the job for which they have been employed. People working in public institutions create the impression as if they are not paid and for that reason the person who walks to that office must pay something to them individually before the work can be done.
    Corruption has engulfed our Country and it has caused us to be underdeveloped. Everyone blames the other us corrupt however we those who elect our leaders from the beginning set the grounds for them to be corrupt. As if that is not enough, we overburden people in authority. What is more worrying is that there are no checks and the Media that is supposed to play the role of ensuring proper accountability is also polarize.

  83. Corruption takes away from government the ability to guarantee a good life for its citizens. In order to screen for any conflicts of interest and provide more legitimacy for the government, there should be more transparency checks in public administration, corruption will be incredibly difficult. Comparing ourselves to other countries should be the very last thing on our minds. Oftentimes, we, the public, give an official the chance to show off their corrupt behavior. Ghanaians are renowned for knowing who to call when looking for a job or opportunity.

    I don’t believe corruption can be completely eradicated, but it can be reduced, to the minimum level if we all reach a point of memorandum of understanding and belief.In our region of the world, the majority of people have a propensity for corruption, however when deterrent punitive measures are implemented, corruption may not completely be abolished but at least is lessened because people will have to think twice before committing any corrupt acts.

  84.      Corruption as an endemic in Ghana has caused grave damage, leaving the country in poverty and depriving its citizens of development. These acts of corruption undermines the democracy and rule of law and puts the country in a backward state.
          It is clear in this article that, some persons occupying certain government positions are undeserving and their corrupt activities result in underdevelopment-related issues which is passed onto the ordinary Ghanaian citizen.
         The way forward as a people is to formulate government policies to guide the activities of these persons holding government portfolios. Again, people must respect the rule of law in the country. There must also be measures put in place by Anti-corruption agencies like the Civil Society Organizations to help combat this menace, not forgetting the role of the media to use appropriate measures to also curb the menace, the office of the Special Prosecutor can also help uncover those perpetuating these acts, produce the evidence and subsequently prosecute them to serve as deterrent.
         For Anti-corruption campaign in the country, people must be held accountable for their actions and must be transparent in their activities. It is said that, greater transparency in public administration allows for checks and balances and ensures greater legitimacy for the government.
    In as much as the government will be held accountable to its people, those holding positions in government also have a duty to be transparent in their dealings to ensure development and corruption-free state.

  85. There have been several conversations about combating one of the world’s biggest menace, corruption, and day in day-out government and private organizations find new ways to tackle this issue.

    The Media is what nationals depend on for their daily dose of what is happening around them, and this cuts across industries like politics, sports, and entertainment. This being the case, the media ensures that the government is transparent and accountable.

    But the media can only go so far with giving citizens who have brought these politicians into power the accountability they need, hence, the need to restructure the areas where these authorities fall for the temptation to jeopardize a system and put an economy at risk.

    There’s been decades-long of different political parties in power yet corruption has its roots plunging into our government so what could be the problem?

    Taking this menace away completely will be a reach looking at how much damage bribery and corruption have caused but we can start from somewhere, and this’s how;

    Ghana needs to focus its anti-corruption campaign on long-term bases. fighting this menace a day at a time, slowly but surely uprooting corruption from our system.

  86. It is true that citizens contributes to corruption on the part of Ghanaian leaders but it is one’s decision to be a corrupt person. A person who has the country’s at heart will not have a corrupt mind since he knows the effect of corruption on the Ghanaian citizens. Today, many people compete for a political position not because of the love he has for his country but amount of percieved money he is likely to get after assuming the position. Now the thing that citizens have made their leaders corrupt, who started it first?
    Candidates of political positions go round giving moneys and stuffs to some individuals and promising them of positions when they are elected. Many of such individuals are non-literates and poor people who are desperate to have a better living. But these so-called leaders call themselves literate and knowledgeable on what the law says about corruption yet are corrupted. Who are to be blamed for this if not the leaders themselves? They are even in the best position to educate citizens by their actions on corruption. If I offend the law and the police or whoever refuses to take a bribe I offer, will corruption continues? NO! As a matter of fact, there are charges to bribery.
    The media who is also helping to expose these corruptions are sometimes under serious attacks. Sometimes, investigative journalists who undercover corruptions are not even prevented from publishing by these same leaders and keepers of the law. How do we in earth say, citizens make keepers of the law corrupt. Recently this year, Manasseh Azureh, a freelance journalist on said on DW that, he has to flee with his family because he was threatened by people in Authority in Ghana.
    How many keepers of the law in Ghana will put their lives at stake all in the name of helping their citizens? That actually will not happen in 21st century Ghana yet these journalists who are mere citizens put their lives at stake to be able to expose corruption on the part of these so-called keepers of the law.
    Right from school, they are been taught to be citizen-minded people when they assume a higher position in Ghana but what do they do?, The moment they get there, they completely put away what they are taught and become so heartless and wicked. They even forget what they promise their people and use the money for their own selfish desires which drive them to take that position.
    The citizens may have contributed to corruption but 99% contribution is of the so -called keepers of the law.

  87. Corruption takes away from government the ability to guarantee a good life for its citizens. I don’t believe corruption can be completely eradicated, but it can be reduced, to the minimum level if we all reach a point of memorandum of understanding and belief.In our region of the world, the majority of people have a.
    In order to screen for any conflicts of interest and provide more legitimacy for the government, there should be more transparency checks in public administration, corruption will be incredibly difficult. Comparing ourselves to other countries should be the very last thing on our minds. Oftentimes, we, the public, give an official the chance to show off their corrupt behavior.
    Taking for instance Tigereye as a media house exposing corrupt leaders for a while now has indeed served as a deterent to many government officials and people who take advantage of their position to deal unfairly to people.

  88. The writer of this article does a good job as a journalist in shedding more light on the situation of corruption.

    A very important issue tackled in this article is how the traditional system of influence is a major enabler of corruption or we could say, the root cause of corruption. Mostly when the issue of corruption is mentioned, it is the official who engages in the act of diverting funds or using his position for personal gains that’s put on the furnace of hot coal by citizens to be roasted.

    Hardly are we interested in knowing the reason behind the actions. This is not to suggest that they should not be punished What this puts to light is the fact that the proper way of solving a problem is finding the root cause of the problem.

    If we’re able to boldly accept that the culture of influence is a major or root cause of corruption and

    put in place misasures to deal with that, we can make a huge headway in the fight against corruption.

  89. The writer of this article does a good job as a journalist in shedding more light on the situation of corruption.

    A very important issue tackled in this article is how the traditional system of influence is a major enabler of corruption or we could say, the root cause of corruption. Mostly when the issue of corruption is mentioned, it is the official who engages in the act of diverting funds or using his position for personal gains that’s put on the furnace of hot coal by citizens to be roasted.

    Hardly are we interested in knowing the reason behind the actions. This is not to suggest that they should not be punished What this puts to light is the fact that the proper way of solving a problem is finding the root cause of the problem.

    If we’re able to boldly accept that the culture of influence is a major or root cause of corruption and put in place misasures to deal with that, we can make a huge headway in the fight against corruption.

  90. How did who knows you came if not for our own leaders? First, it was whom you know and it graduated to Who knows you?
    Has anyone pointed a gun at a leader for not helping him or her assume a position? All these are for our own selfish reasons. I think sometimes people take decisions without knowing the implications or whatsoever it will have on other people. You will see someone who deserve a specific position pushed away while a person unworthy of that position takes it. And that is the main reason behind the high percentage of corruption in our country Ghana. I don’t believe it’s our culture as the writer perceive because already part of our culture has been taken away, it is our own selfish act. Our culture teaches us to be each other’s keeper but today, we only think about ourselves and family and how to make them prosper. And all this is for NAME sake, so that families will bow at them and help influence other people to continue to support to them in their selfish ways.
    Our leaders are the problem.
    An example is this current government. We saw how the staffs in the supreme court were sacked and replaced by people they know. Another example is how Ghanaians are asking the removal of the current financial minister, yet because he is known to be the cousin of the President as stated by the former President John Mahamah, he is still in the seat. Why won’t corruption prevail. Corruption I believe always start with the leaders with what they term as Who Knows You. I can even remember someone who was employed into the security services of Ghana even though he didn’t have the requirements but has an uncle who was in position and so helped him. And I’m sure that there is someone who has all those requirements but has been kicked off by these same leaders.
    What do we achieve if not corruption, we work to achieve corruption instead of better living.
    I don’t believe in institution helping to expose corruption because they are corrupt themselves. I believe in leaders changing from their corrupt ways by changing the way the think. Their decisions should be centered on the Ghanaian people and corruption will reduce if it can’t be stopped.

  91. There has been several exposés on corrupt officials in Ghana by the media, however, corrupt practices keep increasing in the country. Does that paint of picture of a weak judicial system that does not apply our laws effectively or, should one say that our laws are weak? I would not answer YES to any of these questions, because, I believe in our judicial system and laws to be operating effectively. The issue of high rate of corruption in Ghana and Africa as a whole, I believe, has its root cause in our culture. We practice a family system where the well-to-do family members are burdened with the basic needs of other family members who belong to the lower class. People in government positions are expected by society to assume certain responsibilities within their respective families and the communities they grew up in at the expense of the “little” salary they earn. All these are contributing factors to some people’s eagerness to unlawfully amass wealth at any given opportunity in order to keep up with what society expects from them. The government also has a role to play in this. Though, corruption is found all over the whole, it is at a lower rate in the developed countries. This is because governments in these developed countries have put systems in place to care for the poor and needy in the society, in order not for them to become a burden on their family members. The media is effectively performing its watchdog function and our judicial system is also doing its best to bring culprits of corruption to justice, however, until we make certain changes in our way of life as Africans, corruption will continue to be a shackle around our necks for a very long time!

  92. over the years, there have been efforts to combat the menace of corruption in this part of the world, but all of those efforts join the archives of research and surveys by experts which unfortunately won’t see the light of day.

    there have been a decade-long of different Presidents, and political leaders from various political parties yet corruption has its seeds deeply rooted in our government.

    the media is one of the most effective pillars in giving citizens transparency and accountability from the leaders who they put in power. knowing this, you’d ask yourself how and why corruption is still present in our system; this is because some media houses have affiliations with these political parties, and they manipulate and send out information that gives them the upper hand.

    in conclusion, one solution we can look at in tackling this issue of corruption in Africa is a long-term fight against this menace. one which slowly but surely will be effective and those who entertain such behavior will be held accountable.

    the people, judicial service, and with help from international organizations can make this happen.

  93. Corruption has become a universal canker which needs to be eradicated globally.It is termed as lobbying ,but why will one has to lobby if equal opportunity is provided for all citizens. Culture should be the basis to eradicate corruption.our culture should be used to educate the citizen on moral values to enable uprightness in society.
    The role the people have to play is to desist from corrupt practices such as recieving and giving bribe.people should not be put in positions when they do not deserve,but equal opportunity to be for all to access,exposing corrupt leader without fear or favour will help us hold people in authority accountable .Aleader should have the political will to give themselves to be investigated whiles agents set to investigate corrupt should not be bound by politics.

  94. Endemic corruption being a retorical issue African are facing today because we feel if you are superior you are not to be questioned or face the music when you are been corrupt ., has grown to be part of our everyday lives as we are made to accept it as part of our dealings. Institutions, services, politicians amongst others in authority tend to use their powers to engage in corrupt acts with promise to offer them favors that could have been earned on merit or through hard work.and this corruption issue has become and part of life thing to Africans because we think if you have money and you are superior there is no way you to be questioned about you made your money and this is how people use their power to corrupt people because we also feel the sun of money that will be summoned to us we don’t have then and because if this situation of the country has made we all have the love of money more than our beloved country we are in. But in the States most great people are been questioned and search about what they do so it’s hard to you to corrupt someone who do corrupt things because people are been payed well and everyone is benefiting from the country so it’s had for people to leave to their corrupt life because you think that person is okay like you. So for the corrupting issue I’m in country is been a daily life activities and that must stop cause it doesn’t speak well about the county we are in.

  95. The issue of corruption in African as a continent is one major challenge, corruption play a major role in preventing most African countries from development. In Ghana, corruption has been the order of the day and only a few selected people who are in government or connected to big man in power always have what the want. One factor that will end corruption in Ghana is to allow civil society organisations in Ghana to ensure good governance by contributing to issues related transparency, upholding the rule of law, human rights and fight against corruption, because civil society organisation is an important aspect of democratisation process that provides a vital link between citizens and the state.

  96. Ghana is considered to be one of the more stable countries in West Africa, since its transition to multi party democracy in 1992. However, Corruption exists in all branches of Ghanaian government, and there is often a lack of accountability.
    In many countries around the world, there is a concrete risk of the normalization of corruption and the decline of public criticism of manifestations of corruption. In an ironic twist, corruption ends up being considered a necessary evil or even a shortcut to access some important goods. In Ghana, interactions with public officials form an integral part our daily life. Consequently, compatriots exert corrupt means to achieve their aims..Whether encountering a police officer on the road, attending a doctor’s appointment at a public hospital or applying for a passport, a large share of the population of Ghana has regular encounters with the aforementioned public officials without going through the requisite code.
    Again security public contracts through corrupt approach and officials

    In this context, the critical attitude of citizens toward corruption is weakened or altogether lost. In other cases, high levels of corruption, citizen frustration with public sector corruption and poor governance which often corresponds to high levels of corruption may lead to citizen apathy, a lack of civic engagement and a lack of trust in the political and democratic process.
    Corruption continues to undermine democratic institutions. Without strong commitments focused on political integrity, achieving partnership,wide goals of economic recovery, tackling systemic inequalities, safeguarding threats to democracy, and having a more citizen centered democracy will be even more difficult.
    Corruption poses a substantial danger to human rights, political stability, and development, particularly in developing countries like Ghana. Despite the supposed fight against corruption in most developing countries, including Ghana, little success has been achieved in arresting the problem.
    The Ghana Anti-Corruption Coalition (GACC) is a unique cross sectoral grouping of public, private and civil society organizations with a focus on advocacy and developmental campaign must ensure robust deterrence, educating the public about corruption, reducing corruption opportunities through institutional and legal reforms .
    A comprehensive anticorruption strategy must be set up to address all elements of corruption and aim to reduce corruption.

  97. The media and the civil society organizations (CSOs) can play a vital role in the against corruption by educating people about the effect of corruption and it’s implications on national development and the bad image portrayed to the world.
    The Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) can play the role of checking Civil Servants, Government appointees and politicians to be diligent in their dealings and in a way to minimize and control corruption in Ghana.

    However the issues of corruption can be curbed as long as the media and anti-corruption agencies acts in favor of the people and ensure that there’s transparency, accountability,advocacy, informing, and playing watchdog to promote good governance in the country.Corruption is a canker that when not properly dealt with from the political leaders, down to we the citizens will continue to make our country retrogress in development rather than progress. The media’s mandate to serve as watchdog can go a long way to curb this act.

  98. One significant obstacle to the development of the majority of African nations is the corruption problem as a continent. Our culture is one aspect that can be exploited to combat corruption in Africa and to which our African leaders are not paying attention. The problem of corruption on the continent will be a thing of the past if African leaders respect and pay close attention to our culture.
    You need to be connected to a powerful person whose party is in power in Ghana, where corruption has long been the norm, in order to have access to government opportunities like jobs or positions. If you don’t, you won’t be able to. Its prevalence, however, is what is keeping the nation from progressing and has made it the norm. Because of corruption, only a small group of individuals in Ghana who are linked to powerful figures always receive a portion of the national income. Ghana must look back in order to construct our culture and laws in a way that would encourage the greatest amount of progress if corruption is to be completely abolished.

  99. Clearly corruption is the major setback to most countries developing and Ghana is a perfect example. The surprising part is the angle to which this shows now because citizens are quick to point fingers at leaders for being the problem or architects of corruption. corruption from this article tells clearly that it starts from the grassroot that is the people all the way to leaders and government. it is a human thing to want things made easier or go through without ease, but Ghanaians abuse these chances with the slighest chance which is why it is corruption is deep in the country.
    The way forward is to draw attention to every Ghanaian about little corruptions, bribery and tokens paid to get to places or achieve things faster than usual contributes greatly to how far corruption runs in our country and its effects. when the public knows these and acts upon it then we can hold the leaders accountable knowing very well our slates are clean.
    Today, corruption has become the order of the day in the country. Corruption has become a standard whereby everyone in this country does not see anything wrong with it.
    In my candid view, I think corruption can only be reduced when people who are actually caught in the act are exposed and are prosecuted and punished accordingly without any consideration as to whoever the person may be.
    I think with these steps put in place, the number of corruption cases will reduce in the country

  100. Political leaders, without a doubt, always behave the way they want to behave because their subordinates expect them to. Leaders will always live to be accountable to the people in a society where the people demand accountability from their leaders. In a society where the media and the fourth estate demand transparency from the government and its businesses, the government must always be on guard to fulfill its mandate.
    The Longman dictionary defines corruption as “dishonesty, unlawful, or immoral behavior, especially by someone in positions of authority.” Many surveys have been undertaken in Ghana by anti-corruption organizations such as Transparency International Ghana, IMANI Ghana, and others, and the country (Ghana) has been identified as corrupt. Though Ghana is not the most corrupt country, the contents of the study demonstrate that there are degrees of corruption in place. It has also been stated that these corrupt behaviors stem from our traditional surroundings, when offering charity and expressing gratitude would not be considered a crime. With the present events in Ghana, corruption can be seen in practically every area of the citizenry’s life, where he needs to grease the palms of persons entrusted with providing services before the people receive the services they seek.
    I believe that some measures should be put in place to restrict or lessen the scourge known as corruption. The public and civil service have been chastised by the general people who use their services for encountering a slew of corrupt officials on a daily basis. As an example, suppose a citizen wishes to obtain a passport and a driver’s license. Due to long lines, extended collecting times, and the employment of middlemen (goro boys) to continue their fraudulent conduct, obtaining the aforesaid national document has become an albatross around the necks of many Ghanaians. Ghana now appears to be a kleptocratic society in which politicians purchase their way to power and residents pay bribes before receiving any service(s). To make matters worse, people must participate in sexual activities with unemployed ladies, while their male counterparts must pay bribes before being hired in their dream occupations. When checks and balances are put in place to monitor and assess the day-to-day activity of both public and civil service personnel, corrupt thoughts, attitudes, and behavior may be checked. These may be attained if citizens are properly informed, have a selfless mindset, and understand that they are fulfilling their civic role by serving God and nation.
    Again, improving government programs such as the digitization agenda will go a long way toward reducing corruption. Human interventions are said to be a factor or promoter of corruption in most public sectors, and when these services are digitized, citizens will have the luxury of sitting in the comfort of their homes to do business online, reducing corrupt officials’ proximity to them in order to demand monies from them.
    The government, on the other hand, must implement fast track services within the public and civil service sector, such as the birth and death registry, passport office, and driver and vehicle licensing authority, to allow clients to pay extra fees for express work so that the nation can benefit rather than the public paying into the pockets of some unqualified public servants.
    Aside from that, the government should implement a reward and punishment program in which persons who excel at completing their mandates on time and without engaging in corrupt activities are rewarded.
    Those caught in corrupt acts may also face punishment, as was the case with Mr. Charles Adu Boahene, minister of state at the Ministry of Finance, after an allegation was lodged against him in the Anas exposé “galamsey economy.”
    Citizens, civil society organizations, and the fourth estate should actively participate in holding politicians and those in positions of authority accountable, as well as acting as a watch dog to monitor corrupt authorities. With this, accountability will be ensured, and people will begin to develop faith in government when it comes to service delivery.
    In conclusion, a free media may aid in the battle against corruption and promote good government, allowing citizens to get access to adequate health care and education. The citizenry should also know that it is their civic responsibility not to be corrupt, to preach against corruption and to expose corruption irrespective of who is involved.

  101. The media and the civil society organizations (CSOs) can play a vital role in the against corruption by educating people about the effect of corruption and it’s implications on national development and the bad image portrayed to the world.
    The Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) can play the role of checking Civil Servants, Government appointees and politicians to be diligent in their dealings and in a way to minimize and control corruption in Ghana.

    However the issues of corruption can be controlled as long as the media and anti-corruption agencies acts in favor of the people and ensure that there’s equity, accountability, advocacy, educating playing watchdog to promote good governance in the country.Corruption is a canker that when not properly dealt with from the political leaders, down to we the citizens will continue to make our country retrogress in development rather than progress. The media’s mandate to serve as watchdog can go a long way to curb this act.

  102. citizens participation is essential in the development of the country that is why corruption stemming from the grassroots among the people has indirectly affected how corrupt the country has become. the regular Ghanaian wanting to cut corners to get places and achieve things through bribery and networks is corruption as well but fail to realise how corrupt they are but see the leaders as so, making the public not morally fit to question how corrupt the leaders are. Ghana in perspective has hope as long as the citizens can realise their petty corruption affects the country in a bigger picture.
    Ghana ranking 64th out of 176 countries as reported by the Ghana Integrity Initiative is rescuable especially when the citizens are involved and play their parts are good law-abiding citizens. in a nutshell, good governance involves both citizens and leaders playing their part. if citizens do their part, then we can ask for transparency and accountability from the government.

  103. The media and the civil society organizations (CSOs) can play a vital role in the against corruption by educating people about the effect of corruption and it’s implications on national development and the bad image portrayed to the world.
    The Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) can play the role of checking Civil Servants, Government appointees and politicians to be diligent in their dealings and in a way to minimize and control corruption in Ghana.

    However the issues of corruption can be controlled as long as the media and anti-corruption agencies acts in favor of the people and ensure that there’s equity, accountability, advocacy, educating playing watchdog to promote good governance in the country.Corruption is a canker that when not properly dealt with from the political leaders, to government employees down to we the citizens will continue to make our country retrogress in development. The media’s role is to serve as watchdog can go a long way to irradicate this act of corruption in Gnana.

  104. The topic corruption and it’s impact on development goals is no longer relegated to quite conversations amongst policy makers and government officials. Corruption is popularly regarded as one of the most serious obstacles to development; in light of this, been gaining traction as a policy issue for many countries.
    Participation of citizens is especially important in this regard, including in the procurement context (Heroles, 2012; Landell-Mills, 2013). In some countries, recognition of the importance of citizens participation in public procurement processes is reflected in the law.
    Good governance, such as accountability and transparency allow citizens to hold authorities accountable for better development results, since it’s encourages civic engagement in policy making process and increase transparency. It’s guides the creation and implementation of anti-corruption strategies and tactics.
    In addition, the concept of good governance holds many meaning and these meanings are often based on the mechanisms through which it can be achieved, such as participatory democracy, transparency, accountable efficient public service and the presence of enforcement of civil rights.

  105. Corruption is inherent in our society, and so we need to educate the public on the adverse impact of corruption on the country to ensure an attitudinal change. Besides the constitution has given the executive president every power to do whatever he wants and I believe that is a bigger problem, because, for instance, when a political party comes into power, almost everybody who heads a public institution is sacked and they are replaced with party people, compromising checks and balances. So I think our laws must be amended. The problem is low enforcement of the laws in Ghana by prosecuting people for wrong doing regardless of their power or money. Corrupt people needs to be exposed and the laws must be applied fairly and equally. People, wether they are at the bottom or the top, should know that they are not above the law. To help build broad-based , nonpartisan support for the fight against corruption, anti corruption education must be intensified and focused on what it means when public resources are stolen. It is a must for the government, the media, schools, religious institutions, parents and guardians, and anti corruption NGOs must all be in involved. Corruption must be made a high risk enterprise so that when offenders are caught, the laws will be enforced. Retrieving stolen public resources must go with custodial sentences to help deter potential offenders.

  106. Corruption is a threat to the rule of law. In a country where corruption is high, criminals are able to get away with their crimes.This clearly undermines the progress of a country as it poses a great danger to innocent citizens and people who have the desire to invest in the country as well. Corruption cuts across every human institution and if not properly tackled can be detrimental to the progress of our various institutions and the country as a whole. The media, as a watchdog, has to beef up its game to bring more perpetuators to light and also, our judicial system must ensure that people culpable of corruption are brought to justice to serve as a deterrent to others.
    For corruption to be effectively managed, they must be checks and balances in the country. The media must also be empowered and given the maximum protection they deserve to deliver up to expectations.

  107. Corruption has become the order of the day in Ghana, it is very normal for public/civil servants to demand an official payment before carrying out duties and responsibilities; jobs they are employed for and paid regularly to do. Many people who are within the low to middle-income brackets have know guilt or feeling or shame when they engage in this practices simply because the politicians and high government officials are doing it and they are the ones who are corrupt.

    Corruption is ‘evil’ and a danger to every society including Ghana. Every corrupt person comes from a family, families make up society so it is important that values such as integrity, transparency, accountability, impartiality and objectivity are thought very early in life, children growing up will pick such values and will translate it in their every day life. Ghana can become corruption free nation with a new breed of citizens with these core values.

  108. Corruption has become an endemic problem in Ghana and successive Ghanaian governments have made various attempts to combat it. The increasing complexity and modern frauds and economic crimes have been recognized as posing threat to the security of the Ghanaian economy. Corruption is universal issue with complicated causes and effects. Transparency International(TI) defines corruption as “the abuse of entrusted power for private or personal gain”.It classifies corruption into three types depending on the monetary value involved and sector of occurrence..These are Grand corruption,Petty corruption, and political corruption. The perception of corruption in Ghana is very high.Various recent survey have placed Ghana high in the corruption index compared to other developing countries.
    Ghana was recently ranked as the second most corrupt African nation behind South Africa. with Nigeria closely following as the top three worst performing nation in the corruption index (2014)

    It is obvious that any country or society that wants to develp and sustain development must have very low levels of corruption.Democracy is widely expected to restrained corruption. Democratic institution ,politics, and commitment to rule of law and accountability facilitate the discovery publicity and punishment of corrupt behaviors. One of the important factors of good governance is an effective public and Civic services provides the practical and administrative framework within which which governance operates.Ghana has proven to be an exception to the rule despite being tuoted as a vibrant emerging democracy in Africa and rated as a full democracy by the freedom house.

    What can be done to curb corruption in Ghana? the lack of will by successive governments to fight corruption effectively, especially when people are told to produce evidence when issues of corruption pops up. Ghana’s anti -corruption policy,the National Anti -Corruption Action Plan is coordinated and monitored by the Commission in collaboration with the National Development Planning Commission (NDPC).Through the Monitoring Committee composed of the above institutions, the vehicles will strengthen the committee’s work monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the NACAP by partners in the region.The accountability, rule of law and Abti-corruption programme supports the efforts of the Government of Ghana in its fight against corruption.Other strategies which can be used to decrease corruption include collaborative,holistic approaches, that incorporate investigation, prevention and public awareness implementation should be coordinated among local, national, regional and international levels in order to involve the academic,public, and business communities. This will improve accountability, transparency,and information sharing in the country.It is a civic responsibility not to be corrupt.IThe country’s Abti-corruption agencies such as EOCO,CHRAG, and the officer if the office of the Special Prosecutor have been accused of being ineffective in combating the corruption menace.Institutions of State mandated to check corruption must be up and doing.t is a civic responsibility to preach against corruption and it is a civic responsibility to expose corruption irrespective of who is/are involved.

  109. Corruption has become an endemic problem in Ghana and successive Ghanaian governments have made various attempts to combat it. The increasing complexity and modern frauds and economic crimes have been recognized as posing threat to the security of the Ghanaian economy. Corruption is universal issue with complicated causes and effects. Transparency International(TI) defines corruption as “the abuse of entrusted power for private or personal gain”.It classifies corruption into three types depending on the monetary value involved and sector of occurrence..These are Grand corruption,Petty corruption, and political corruption. The perception of corruption in Ghana is very high.Various recent survey have placed Ghana high in the corruption index compared to other developing countries.
    Ghana was recently ranked as the second most corrupt African nation behind South Africa. with Nigeria closely following as the top three worst performing nation in the corruption index (2014)

    It is obvious that any country or society that wants to develp and sustain development must have very low levels of corruption.Democracy is widely expected to restrained corruption. Democratic institution ,politics, and commitment to rule of law and accountability facilitate the discovery publicity and punishment of corrupt behaviors. One of the important factors of good governance is an effective public and Civic services provides the practical and administrative framework within which which governance operates.Ghana has proven to be an exception to the rule despite being tuoted as a vibrant emerging democracy in Africa and rated as a full democracy by the freedom house.

    What can be done to curb corruption in Ghana? the lack of will by successive governments to fight corruption effectively, especially when people are told to produce evidence when issues of corruption pops up. Ghana’s anti -corruption policy,the National Anti -Corruption Action Plan is coordinated and monitored by the Commission in collaboration with the National Development Planning Commission (NDPC).Through the Monitoring Committee composed of the above institutions, the vehicles will strengthen the committee’s work monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the NACAP by partners in the region.The accountability, rule of law and Abti-corruption programme supports the efforts of the Government of Ghana in its fight against corruption.Other strategies which can be used to decrease corruption include collaborative,holistic approaches, that incorporate investigation, prevention and public awareness implementation should be coordinated among local, national, regional and international levels in order to involve the academic,public, and business communities. This will improve accountability, transparency,and information sharing in the country.I

  110. Corruption date back to the genesis of mankind. In Genesis chapter 3 we realised how the serpent corrupted Eve and Eve subsequently corrupted Adam, and so has it been till today. From the time of Osagyefo Dr kwame Nkrumah to now President Nana Akuffu Addo the fight against corruption has been well articulated in all their numerous manifestos. The foundation of PNDC/NDC was built on zero tolerance for corruption. This however shows how cleverly this virus( corruption )has been in our system and slowing destroying the good antibodies.Ghanaians must focus on the realistic approach to dealing with the problem of corruption:

    We need to have a total mental revolution by transforming our individual ethics and one way to do this is by making habits out of virtues. We need to be committed to the agenda of eradicating corruption ,a collective moral detoxification campaign beginning with us as individuals our law enforcement agencies, institutions and the media. Finally, the onus lies on the government to see to the education and enforcement of an action driven policy to curb this situation

  111. Corruption is now pervasive, especially in government agencies employers as well as public sector get more involved in corruption without considering the impact it will have on future generations. Corruption started out as a major worry in a country with the resources to harness human actions hence it is demanded by the citizens in the country especially the youth to expose these employers in the government sector who are involved in an corruption scandals so they will be made to face the law.

    These corruptions are often even carried out by those who know the law and those who have a respectable reputation in the country and if corrupt people who are in the public and private spheres are brought to justice convicted and given jail sentenced with penalty to pay in addition to the sentence by a high court, it will have a chilling effect on others who are doing so to certainly give up their corrupt behavior.

  112. The media and the civil society organizations (CSOs) can play a vital role in the against corruption by educating people about the effect of corruption and it’s implications on national development and the bad image portrayed to the world.
    The Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) can play the role of checking Civil Servants, Government appointees and politicians to be diligent in their dealings and in a way to minimize and control corruption in Ghana.
    However the issues of corruption can be controlled as long as the media and anti-corruption agencies acts in favor of the people and ensure that there’s equity, accountability, advocacy, educating playing watchdog to promote good governance in the country.Corruption is a canker that when not properly dealt with from the political leaders, to government employees down to we the citizens will continue to make our country retrogress in development. The media’s role is to serve as watchdog can go a long way to irradicate this act of corruption in Ghana.

  113. Democracy is widely expected to restrained corruption.Democratic institutions, policies and commitment to rule of law and accountability facilitate the discovery publicity and punishment of corrupt behaviors.One of the important factors of good governance is an effective public and civic service’s..

    Corruption is endemic in Ghana and successive governments have made various attempts to combat it.The increasing complexity and modern frauds and economic crines have been recognized as posing a threat to the security of the Ghanaian economy.Corruption is a universal issue with its complicated causes and effects . Transparency International defines corruption as “the abuse of entrusted power for private gains”. What can be done is to implore strategies that can be implementated to decrease corruption in Ghana.These includes collaborative, holistic approaches, that incorporate investigation, prevention and public awareness.

  114. Prosper Kofi Gepoase

    If Ghana is ranked 64th position in the corruption index ladder out of 176 nations conducted by the Ghana integrity initiative, (GII) this means that not much is done when it comes to fighting corruption and corruption related issues.
    The fight of corruption has not received its fullest attention. Institutions and agencies like the Office of the Special Prosecutor ,(OSP) Commission for Human Rights and Administrative Justice, (CHRAJ) and the Economic and organized Crime Office (EOCO) that is responsible to investigation and possibly
    prosecution are not making corruption a bitter pill to swallow rather makes it a lucrative venture especially when such organizations demands evidence even if perpetrators are caught red handed. More to that, when they have a stronger back bone backing them “Corruption started in the days of Adam”.
    The citizenry knowingly or unknowingly are guilty of that part of the law which says the giver and the recipient are both guilty.
    Institution like the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) should advocate, educate , sensitize and create awareness to the public with regards to the negative effects of corruption and institution like the EOCO, OSP and CHRAJ should make corruption a very high risk enterprise and leave a good legacy in their offices and after they have left where ever they have been assigned either private or public sector because the most cherished asset in life is integrity.

  115. African growth has been hampered by corruption. Development also recedes from us when corrupt behavior becomes the norm among African leaders and citizenry. Giving civil society organizations the chance to participate in activities like discussing policy, gaining easy access to information, criticizing the government, and other things would ensure openness for the system.
    However, the people must be informed about the negative effects of corruption, the legal actions being taken against corrupt officials, and the assurance of a fair and efficient judicial system by the media and the national commission for education.
    To conclude, we can gradually eradicate this canker when leaders and citizens abstain from greed, selfishness, or pursuing personal interests..

  116. Corruption has now been accepted as a way of life in the world today especially in the world today especially in African countries with Ghana not an exception. It has become a norm that the ones who commit the crime and is supposed to face the law, someone just makes a phone call and the person committing the crime is freed and even if the person eventually faces the law, the one who does the punishment is seen as the bad one. This corruptions are even often committed by the very people with good stands in the country. All these people need to be brought to book to curb corruption in the country Ghana.

    The law should take its cause on anyone who is guilty of taking bribe from someone illegally. The media serves as a source of information and is important to have a democratic system and competent Governance. A democratic society and efficient administration rely on the media for credible information source.

  117. Corruption causes poverty and creates a barrier to the long-term development of the nation. Corruption is the misuse of entrusted funds and power for private gain.

    It happens in accordance with thievery, fraud, nepotism and abuse of power. Corruption happens when one pays a fee to a “connection” who then bribes the official. In Ghana it’s sad to know one must pay a connection or fee to get a job, travel out or for a luxury living.

    Corruption is one of the major issues that slows down Ghana where the rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer. Corruption starts when people try to keep private monies for personal purposes and then pocket away the other half also people come into power they have the mindset they want to benefit and make use of everything before they leave power.

    For example; When someone comes into power he makes use of all the resources leaving behind nothing also on the surface they make it look like they are actually doing something to benefit everyone but meanwhile they are secretly pocketing everything. I think until corruption is solved, there’s still going to be a lot thr country needs to solve.

  118. Corruption has now been accepted as a way of life in the world today, especially in African countries which Ghana is not exceptional. African leaders are not paying attention to our culture. In Ghana , corruption has been the order of the day. For you to have government opportunity like jobs, contracts etc you need to be connected to a government official or a big personality in power.

    The country should reprimand corrupt individuals inside those institutions rather than accusing those institutions and collective groups of corruption in order to get them to change their ways.

  119. Corruption has now been accepted as a way of life in the world today especially in African countries with Ghana not an exception .
    It has become a norm that the ones who commit the crime and is supposed to face the law, someone makes a phone call and the one who has committed a crime is freed and even if the person is eventually faces the law , the one who who receives the punishment is seen as the bad one .This corruptions are even often committed by the very people who know the law and have good stands in the country.
    The law should take the cause on anyone
    Who is guilty of talking bribes illegally.
    The media serves as a source of information and is important to have a
    democratic system of government , a democratic society and effecient administration rely on the media for credible information source.

  120. Anytime corruption is mentioned only one name seems to come to mind; Politicians. However, corruption runs from the top of the heriarchy to the bottom and we are all involved one way or the other. Corruption has been normalized in the society that getting some basic things requires one to do “the needful”. If you want to get things done quickly you need to sort someone out, to get a job, a contract, and sometimes an admission you need to be connected to a “big man” who is either in charge or knows the person in charge. How then do we blame only politicians as been corrupt? We are all in this together whether directly or indirectly.

    Corruption enriches few and increases poverty among the masses. It stifles economic growth and brings about underdevelopment because the funds meant for developmental projects are diverted into personal accounts or the one in charge takes a major cut leaving a small amount to be used that is why we do not move forward as a country. Fighting corruption is a collective responsibility and we are being urged as citizens to expose or preach against it but can we continue this fight if we learn someone got “silenced” for bringing to light certain truths that exposes corrupt activities or are being threatened. Certainly, we are going to look the other way for fear of our lives. I believe we cannot completely do away with corruption no matter the measures that we put in place however we can start by having a change of mind and attitude and learn to become more patriotic.

  121. Corruption can’t be eradicated within a single day so far as we all are corrupted consciously and unconsciously.Personally,I think people that abuse power given to them by the state for personal gain should be punished to serve as a deterrent to other because even leaders cannot be penalized for their own wrong doings through corruption.No one is above the law, hence corruption should be an offense and actions should be taken to deal with it.

  122. Corruption in Africa and Ghana as a whole can’t be eradicated within a single day so far as we all are corrupted consciously and unconsciously.Personally,I think people that abuse power given to them by the state for personal gain should be punished to serve as a deterrent to other because even leaders cannot be penalized for their own wrong doings through corruption.No one is above the law, hence corruption should be an offense and actions should be taken to deal with it.

  123. The issue of corruption is wordwide but it is more prevalent in developing countries such as Ghana. Corruption has created a system such that you have pay people to do their own jobs, you have to know someone in power or pay in order to get a job you are qualified for. This is really disheartening. This has gradually became an accepted norm in Ghana. As soon as you walk into an office, you are expected to pay right from the front desk to management in order to get the service you require. Clearly, we the citizens are to be blamed for the increase in corruption in the country.

    Therefore, the fight against corruption must first begin with the citizens. We need to change our attitudes and perception towards corruption. We need to expose people who demand bribe in order to perform their own duties. This will intend aid in the development of the country.

  124. The issue of corruption is wordwide but it is more prevalent in developing countries such as Ghana. Corruption has created a system such that you have pay people to do their own jobs, you have to know someone in power or pay in order to get a job you are qualified for. This is really disheartening. This has gradually became an accepted norm in Ghana. As soon as you walk into an office, you are expected to pay right from the front desk to management in order to get the service you require. Clearly, we the citizens are responsible for the increase in corruption in the country.

    Therefore, the fight against corruption must first begin with the citizens. We need to change our attitudes and perception towards corruption. We need to expose people who demand bribe in order to perform their own duties. This will intend aid in the development of the country.

  125. Corruption in Africa especially Ghana is a major challenge since ancient times, from our ancestors selling their own people to their colonizers to the politician being voted in power down to the common citizen who bend a situation for his or her personal gain.
    Corruption is a disease and with collective responsibility we can canker it. This disease has weaken democracy which has delayed national development and increased poverty in the country. A course on corruption should be introduced in primary schools to the highest level of education in the country. Checks and balances should operate effectively. I believe corruption can be eradicated but until the mindset is transformed, we will continue to breath the air of corruption.

  126. Corruption manifests in multiple ways but it can only exist under a particular structure. It will be very challenging to eradicate corruption in this our country because it mostly occur in all civilizations which have had adverse effects on rhe economy and the society at large.

    If Ghana is ranked 64th position in the corruption index ladder out of 176 nations conducted by the Ghana integrity initiative, (GII) meaning nothing much is done when it comes to fighting corruption and corruption related issues.
    Corruption is a canker that when not properly dealt with from the political leaders, to government employees to the citizens will continue to make our country undevelop. Moreover, to curb this menance, State officials should be well paid because corruption is strongly influenced by the low salaries of public administration employees who are therefore trying to improve their financial positions therefore end up receiving bribe.

    Have you ever asked why a faithful civil servant come home empty with not even a house and a car to boast off and then to be called useless when on pension. so pathetic.

    In furtherance, since corruption is inherent in this our country, I therefore believe that there should be a public education on the adverse effects and the impact of corruption on the country to ensure an attitudinal change. To also be included in our student curriculum.
    The media can also serve as watchdogs to help minimise this act of corruption in Ghana.

  127. It is evidently clear that corruption in its various forms or types (grand, petty and political) has become endemic in Ghana and many parts of Africa. The age-long practice is admittedly pervasive in all aspects of the Ghanaian society and has in the process, caused several harms to individuals, groups and the nation at large. The actions and inactions of individuals in low and high places alike contribute to the prevailing situation.

    Consequently, the role of citizens in complementing the fight against the canker is doubtably crucial. The media has an important role in educating citizens in this direction by investigating, exposing and reporting corruption and corruption-related practices and officials engaged in same. The media can also work collaboratively with civil society and anti-graft institutions to roll out programmes aimed at educating citizens as well as ensuring transparency and accountability by elected and appointed officials in executive positions and other positions of influence.

  128. It is obvious that any country or society that wants to develop and sustain development must have very levels of corruption.
    In addressing the the vice, it is very important that agencies and ivil society organisations are engaged properly.
    We can also not seek to fight or address corruption with an exclusive of our Traditional Leaders since they also plays significant role in nation building.
    The media is also to ensure that our leaders works or operations are monitored. It will be essential that the media considers the interests of the masses and persistently report on issues that are meant to affect the country’s beautiful democracy.
    The Commission of Human Right and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ), Economic and Organized Crime Office (EOCO), as well as the office Special Prosecutor must be supported by journalists, civil society organisations and citizens to be vigilant and expose criminal practices perpetrated by individuals, government agencies and other public officials.
    Transparency and Accountability must also be exited in every sector of the country in our quest of tacking the canker. With the presence of transparency and Accountability will be griped with fears and panic to involved themselves in any criminal activities that will undermined the growth of the Nation.
    The Office of the Special Prosecutor Act, 2007 (Act 959) being the latest statutory attempfrom the Ghana’s political and constitutional history meant to establish a more efficient and effective mechanism and machinery must execute its task when it comes to the fight against the menace.
    The vission of the OSP has been to establish an independent and imperial anti-corruption institution and systems which by combining Preventive, investigative and prosecutorial functions minimise and fights corruption and corruption-related offences with the highest degree of integrity, honor, transparency and Accountability.

  129. Corruption in our world today has become a practice that has been Instilled in us from Infancy. The acceptance of such fraudulent act (corruption) by our leaders and citizens has caused more harm to every developing country and its residents. Corruption has in the past years taken away our faith and trust in our system in Ghana, reduced our level of innovation and creativity, weakened the economic development and strengthened poverty,social division and environmental crisis as citizens of Ghana.

    The media has in the past years failed in its efforts to curb corruption by failing to act as watchdogs and hold citizens and government officials accountable for their actions . Corruption at this point is not a child’s play and should not be entertain in our societies and various institutions mandated by law to deal with issues of corruption. One big mistakes we make as Citizens is thinking that corruption is limited to politics and people in higher authorities. It is a global practice that is seen in every aspect of our lives, the sad part is that the rich get away with such acts while the less privileged get arrested for the lesser crimes, by eradicating corruption of any form from our society and not receiving bribe, we can bring an end to such fraudulent act . The media will also have to play very vital role in holding political leaders accountable for everything by ensuring checks and balances on projects they undertake.

  130. corruption is a universal matter, where people in authority use dishonesty and illegal behaviors to embezzle funds. Endemic corruption, increase poverty and exclusion. People in authority who embezzle government or organizational funds lives luxurious lives with their family without meeting the needs of people at the bottom. corruption, increases exclusion , low productivity and ignores development. To reduce corruption, corrupt authorities must be accountable , where there effective low enforcement to ensure the corrupt authorities are punished and break the cycle of impunity, or freedom from punishment or loss and the judiciary must be independent. To curb corruption , there must be transparency ,accountability and advocacy in all information. There must be checks of people in authority, accounts and assets and hold them accountable to any fraudulent issue

  131. Endemic corruption in Ghana: designed and sustained by citizens – My Opinion

    Splendy Nkansah Says;

    Corruption, has always been with us since Adam and hence an issue to economic growth. Ghana especially amongst other African countries is not left out on issues of corruption. I strongly agree with the writer’s assertion, that suggests that it is the citizenry themselves, who have helped fuel this corruption canker, I believe we as the citizens are also part of the problem. As corruption is define as covering a wide range of misuse of entrusted funds and power for private gain.
    Why?, let me tell you why, we tend to mock public officials who decide to live a simplistic lifestyle, those who live by the book tend to be called all sorts of names, with society treating them with like the plague.
    Why should a civil servant who was not corrupt come home on pension, without a single building to his name, and society will call him useless because he could not put up a building to live in while he was in active service?
    So in order for someone not to be called useless, they will grab anything and everything they can lay their hands on, so that in future, they will not be called useless.
    I doubt if corruption can be erased totally, but it can be brought to the barest minimum if we all come to a place of conviction and consensus, by deciding to allow public officials and indeed, every person in a position of influence to work without undue pressure and unrealistic expectations, celebrate people who have lived exemplary lives, applaud values and morals, instead cheering only those with money and positions on.
    These will go a long way to changing some of these sad narratives we hear about all the time, if we do not do that, then it will be back to business as usual.
    The fact that corruption is endemic in countries such as Guinea Bissau, Eritrea, Guinea and Nigeria among others does not mean Ghana should relent in its efforts to minimize the canker. In fact it is an incitement on all anti-corruption agencies and policies to remain ineffective with regards to the objectives for their formulation and establishment. With collective ideas and with a positive mindset corruption can be a thing of the past if not completely eradicated at least it can be curb.

    Thank you

  132. Corruption has now become one of the major factors that is depriving Ghana of a substantial development as a country. The average Ghanaian always hopes and pray for a gradual development of it nation but the declining factor of corrupt system of administration is preventing that from happening. Can corruption be iradicated from this country? this has been the question on the heart of the ordinary Ghanaian. some citizen will say it can be iradicated but other will also say it cannot be iradicated.

    From the above article, on my point of view I think the impact of corruption on our system has really touch up to the apex and the nation has a long way to go in order to do away with corruption, but nothin is late we can come together as a nation and fight a good and right course to help stop corruption in order to help our country develop. To come to fight corruption as a country I thing same agencies like the NCCE, that is the Nation Commission for Civil education need to play a key role to educate the Ghanaian citizen on the impact of a corrupt system on the nation and how it hinder development.

  133. The issue of corruption is worldwide but it is more prevalent in developing countries such as Ghana. Corruption has created a system such that one has to pay people to do their own jobs. You have to be well connected or know someone in power in order to get a job you are actually qualified for. Due to this, corruption has gradually become a norm in the country. You are expected to pay right from the front desk through to management in order to get the services you require. Clearly, we the citizens are responsible for the increase in corruption in the country.

    The fight against corruption must first begin with the citizens. We must change our attitudes and perception towards corruption. We must be ready and willing to expose these corrupt individuals and report them to the appropriate authorities. This action will intend aid in the development of the country.

  134. Political leaders, without a doubt, always behave the way they want to behave because their subordinates expect them to. Leaders will always live to be accountable to the people in a society where the people demand accountability from their leaders. In a society where the media and the fourth estate demand transparency from the government and its businesses, the government must always be on guard to fulfill its mandate.

    The role the people have to play is to desist from corrupt practices such as recieving and giving bribe.people should not be put in positions when they do not deserve,but equal opportunity to be for all to access,exposing corrupt leader without fear or favour will help us hold people in authority accountable. Aleader should have the political will to give themselves to be investigated whiles agents set to investigate corrupt should not be bound by politics.

  135. I believe integrity is a value we need to collectively foster as a nation. When we develop the ability to do what is right when nobody is looking, we will nothing less than this from those we put in power.

    The media can encourage this by featuring individuals and stories that display exceptional virtuousness and integrity.

  136. The media and the civil society organizations (CSOs) can play a vital role in the fight against corruption by educating people about the effect of corruption and it’s implications on national development.
    The Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) can play the role of checking Civil Servants, Government appointees and politicians to be diligent with their works and in a way to minimize corruption in the country.

    However the issues of corruption can be controlled as long as the media and anti-corruption agencies acts in favor of the people and ensure that there’s equity, accountability, advocacy, education and practicing watchdog to promote good governance in the country.

  137. Corruption is something that we the citizens have designed to enriched our pocket. Corruption has become so eminent in some African countries and beyond which Ghana is not exception, and is manifested more in those in power. In Ghana, even when there is job vacancy somewhere and are giving the requirements and criteria, one has to still pay bribe to government officials before he/she is giving the opportunity. Sometimes they end up recruiting unqualified persons into sensitive department, simply because they are their family members and so on. According to the write up, to is the citizens who continue to feed the endemic system of corruption out of selfish interest.
    The media correspondents who can monitor, investigate and criticize the public administration’s and demand accountability and transparency from the public and the private sectors to help fight against corruption, are being attacked by those in power who are abusing their power. For media reporting and journalism to play an effective role in corruption detection, the media has to be free and independent, so they can help find solution to curd the rising issue of corruption in the country. For the law enforcement to ensure that corrupt are punish and break the cycle of impunity.

  138. Anytime corruption is mentioned what comes to mind is Politicians. Corruption runs from the top of the hierarchy to the bottom and we are all involved one way or the other. Corruption has been normalized in the society that to get things done quickly one has to do “the needful”. You have to sort someone out to get a job, a contract and sometimes an admission or you have to be connected to a “big man” who knows the one in charge or is the one in charge. How then do we blame only politicians for being corrupt? We are all involved whether directly or indirectly.

    Corruption enriches a few and increases poverty among the masses. It stifles economic growth and brings about underdevelopment because funds meant for developmental projects are diverted into personal accounts or the one in charge takes a major cut leaving a small amount to be used. Fighting corruption is a collective responsibility but can we continue this fight if we hear of someone being “silenced” for bringing to light certain truths that exposes corrupt activities or are being threatened. Certainly, we would look the other way for fear of our lives. I believe we cannot completely do away with corruption however, we can start by having a change of mind and attitude and also learn to become more patriotic.

  139. Corruption and weak governance are important obstacles impeding Ghana’s growth, according to literature and opinion on Africa’s socioeconomic development. What is less prevalent are discussions and success stories about how to combat corruption in a systematic manner. Though this may sound depressing, I can tell you from personal experience that fighting corruption is feasible with the correct information, patience, and commitment to openness. To combat corruption, we must first comprehend it. Three major causes underpin the many forms of corruption grand, political, and administrative, which include public resource transfers to private corporations, distribution of public resources to political supporters, and abuse of public monies. The first is a lack of openness in essential financial and other information critical to economic development, including revenues and budgets. The second issue is the lack of organizations, procedures, and processes to prevent leaks. Third, there is widespread impunity lack of political resolve to hold individuals found guilty of such wrongdoing accountable and punish them.
    To fight it, there should be the development of strong and independent audit and justice systems, including a well-resourced judiciary and an oversight agency to handle complaints. We must also foster an environment that allows for strong and accountable civil society organizations to conduct scrutiny of the government. Such powerful and independent institutions boost political will by applying the necessary pressure on politicians, even at the highest levels, to act. Such initiatives, however, necessitate patience and persistence, as establishing these institutions, procedures, and processes might take a decade or more.

  140. I think there are many levels of corruption and that some people take it too far. Since more people, particularly those working in government institutions, businesses, and organizations, are engaging in corruption without considering the effects it will have on future generations, the problem has now become endemic. Since individual acts contributed to the spread of corruption as a national endemic, it is imperative that those same individuals modify their corruptive intentions and behavior for a better Ghana.

    The menace must be countered by more national organizations. Supporting candidates for office, debating policy, casting a vote on significant national-level decisions, criticizing the government, opposing unethical government behavior, and other activities are examples of how civil society participates in governance. Ghana must tackle corruption issues holistically and comprehensively, but we also need to consider our culture, which is also beset by petty corruption, which is just as detrimental to the country’s average residents. Because of this, corruption in Ghana—in all its manifestations and degrees—has also slowed down the nation’s rate of progress. Corruption charges would decline and nations would advance as planned by allowing special prosecution to handle matters without influence from the existing administration. Therefore, the country should give its people the opportunity to assess information to assist in making decisions. Even while the media is still seen as the most significant institution by which voters evaluate political information and knowledge, a government committed to ensuring openness, accountability, and involvement will recognize groups.

  141. Corruption in Africa most especially Ghana has become a thorn in the flesh that we cannot deal with.People in high positions use the power being given to them by the people to bully same people ridiculing them in various sarcastic ways.Mostly,we the citizens who give power to these authorities encourage them to do the wrong in so many ways that we are not aware of.An individual gets power and all of a sudden extorting funds from government becomes the order of the day for him or her.They do not realize that the power being given to them was mainly for them to serve and nothing else.Funds which should be used for specific projects with timelines are not being fulfilled.The government official awarding the contract insists on a percentage before the contract is awarded.The contractor also decides not to do a healthy job because the actual figure has been reduced.So my question is, how then do we stop corruption?Citizens are influencing government officials to become more corrupt because they have also realized that without these methodologies, they can’t also survive.”Give me the contract and I will also give you a percentage”.The funds which should be used for a national project?This is shameful and with gross disrespect.

    Also,transparency,accountability and punishment should be the order of the day for these people in power.When one does the wrong,he or she should not go unpunished to serve as a lesson to others.They should account for every dime they spend and the citizens should be made aware of it.They spend huge sums of money and later tell us what the money was used for.Who does that?Let us know what you need the money for and how much.This will bring discipline and sanity to the system but without that, corruption continues to be the order of the day.

  142. It’s indeed true that Gods behave like the people who make them however what’s a god if he behaves like a mere mortal?? Leaders are supposed to represent the best of us and because they are humans and are likely to give in to their human flaws, reason we have laws, ethics and values to guard their behavior. Ghanaians just like any human in this world is selfish, greedy and seeks his or her self interest. Example is why should I stay in this long traffic on the Accra-Tema motorway, burn my fuel in this economic crisis and not use the shoulders of the road and go my way. Reason we have road traffic regulations to guard against people’s self interest but promotes behaviors that enhances the greater good of society.

    Everything rises and falls on leadership. Whether a country fails or succeed in fighting corruption is heavily dependent on the kind of leadership they have. Lee Kuan Yew and the Singapore story. Where as in our part someone gets into political office and within a space of 4 years his life has change and he can now afford all the good things in this life. There may be no evidence of corruption against him but people can tell it’s there. Because we all know your salary. Leadership is also about inspiring people to emulate you. When the people see and feel the that the leader is incorruptible and actually punish his people who are caught in cases of corruption, they will follow. In our society today people feel there is no punishment for doing wrong especially being corrupt so it has became a free for all venture. Let the leaders create a society where good is rewarded and wrong punished and see if our society won’t change. To writ let the leaders lead and all of us will follow irrespective of the form of governance, whether it’s dictatorship, democracy or communism.

  143. The way we act determine what and how we think. Matters of corruption do not on lie within the political circus only but in all aspects of human endeavors, be it religion, social, health, politics, education, tradition and culture, sports, entertainment just to mention.
    Ideally, we all have to change our mindset and start thinking about the bigger picture in everything we set our minds to do and do it better to the benefits of the society and the future generations after us when we’re no longer existing on earth. Looking at issues with a generational mentality encourages good motives for the well being of many and therefore help eradicate selfish mindedness in approaching issues and situations.
    When we all pledge to live above reproach in our daily activities and act accordingly to our pledge of good deeds, corruption can never stand the test of time since there will be no room for it’s permeating and operations. I rest my case. Thank you.
    ……. Orlando

  144. Well said Isaac Obeng, but as Africans and Ghanaians for that matter, what measures must be put in place to prevent corruption or eradicate it in our society?
    Corruption creates and increases poverty. While Corrupt Politicians and others who engage in corruption have lavish life, the rest are deprived of their basic amenities like water, road, hospital, education among others.
    Some of the ways that we can prevent/ reduce or better still eradicate corruption in Ghana are to uncover corrupt acts, produce evidence to the effect, and have successful prosecution.

  145. I do believe that all people are created good and that corruption is an aberration of human existence rather than a norm. Having said that, let me also add that everyone is corruptible. In that respect, African corruption is not much different from American or Asian corruption, and for which reason it is also important to delineate corruption from race, creed, ethnic and religious affiliations.

    Corruption is only a symptom of a social ill, it is itself not the cancer but evidence of it. The social cancer which leads to corruption and other antisocial behavior is a deficiency of ethics and conscience in stewardship. Therefore, any discussion of corruption must address how “unconscientiousness” comes about.

    Corruption can be pecuniary, social or cultural in nature. I assume that the kind of corruption asked about in this stub is more of a financial nature so I will narrow my answer to respect this financial bias. As a follow through, let’s define corruption as the misuse of public office and resources for personal gain.
    The incidence of corruption in Ghana mostly occurs as payments of bribes to public officials, collusions with private enterprises to cause financial loss to the state, influence peddling, pay-to-play schemes in government agencies, and the manipulation of agency procurement practices for personal gain. These practices lead to loss of income to the state, inequitable distribution of resources to people, or both. Invariably, corruption creates an informal set of rules which undermines the proper way of doing business anywhere it is allowed to fester.
    Those who know what is right have sold out for a few pieces of silver. Chiefs, custodians of the land and people have a price, unthinkable a century ago. Elders today defer to younglings backed by huge bank balances.

    As a people, we’ve lost our sense of identity and our conscience with it. Public Financial Management Systems have serious loopholes, and no leader is committed enough to tackle these issues head on.
    We have to be outraged about it. We have to put a stop to it. We have to reject it and make it clear that we find it unacceptable. Corruption must be viewed as a sin against society. Corruption is a Public Number One Enemy.
    We can be the change we wish to see. The change begin with us. If each and every single one of us decided to reject corruption in every form and deal with it accordingly, the perpetrators would be afraid to take part in it.

  146. Corruption is a constant in society and has a variety of effects on both society and the economy as a whole. Corruption and bribery have become the yardstick of every organization in the country. However, it has been highly encouraged because it is the easier way to get things done. We are all attached to the acake mindset that things can be done by using the back door because going through the right channel requires so much documentation and paperwork. A corrupt mind is equivalent to a weak mindset, and the mindset of most Ghanaians is to make money out of everything they get involved with, making them loss sight of their values, culture, and morals instilled within them.

  147. The way we act determine what and how we think? Matters of corruption do not on lie within the political circus only but in all aspects of human endeavors, be it religion, social, health, politics, education, tradition and culture, sports, entertainment just to mention.
    Ideally, we all have to change our mindset and start thinking about the bigger picture in everything we set our minds to do and do it better to the benefits of the society and the future generations after us when we’re no longer existing on earth. Looking at issues with a generational mentality encourages good motives for the well being of many and therefore help eradicate selfish mindedness in approaching issues and situations.
    When we all pledge to live above reproach in our daily activities and act accordingly to our pledge of good deeds, corruption can never stand the test of time since there will be no room for it’s permeating and operations. I rest my case. Thank you.
    ……. Orlando.

  148. The issue of corruption is global problem but it is more prevalent in developing countries like Ghana.
    Corruption can be controlled as long as the media and anti-corruption agencies acts in favor of the people and ensure that there’s equity, accountability, advocacy, education and practicing watchdog to promote good governance in the country.

    Corruption decreases the amount of money that can be used to elevate poverty and promote economic growth. Corruption enriches a few and increases poverty among the masses.
    Poor people are often the hardest hit by corruption when government spending is diverted from social programs and services, or when bribes are required to access key services.
    We can curb corruption by strengthening the transparency, accountability function of civil society and an independent media.

  149. Corruption is a constant in society and has a variety of effects on both society and the economy as a whole. Corruption and bribery have become the yardstick of every organization in the country. However, it has been highly encouraged because it is the easier way to get things done. We are all attached to the antiquated mindset that things can be done by using the back door because going through the right channel requires so much documentation and paperwork. A corrupt mind is equivalent to a weak mindset, and the mindset of most Ghanaians is to make money out of everything they get involved with, making them loss sight of their values, culture, and morals instilled within them.

  150. Corruption is so pervasive in Ghana that, those who practice it, love it and those who do not engage it, support it. Everyone speak of the evil , corrupt practices, the abuse of entrusted power for private or personal gain has brought to citizens but we are all afraid or perhaps reluctant to deal with it squarely.
    Whether petty or grand, the effects of corruption has been seen in the everyday life of a Ghanaian. It therefore takes collective efforts from individuals, social and corporate organizations, vibrant civil society and participation to end the menace. Citizen’s participation in socio-political affairs is the surest way to empower civil society which is one of the key tenets of good governance. We need an effective public and civil services to ensure corruption doesn’t find a furtile ground to survive.
    Formalizing governmental corruption in the modern day would be a peculiar decision for any government or nation to adopt, as demonstrated by Ghana’s current economic position, which is directly attributable to grand and petty corruption, as well as mismanagement and carelessness.

    It is obvious that corruption cannot lead to the appropriate trajectory, hence institutions of the state are required to combat corruption and remain operational. Journalists and civil society organizations like ASEPA must help them. We must select our leaders through the proper procedures, watch them closely, and keep a close eye on them while they carry out the tasks we appointed them to.

  151. The fight against corruption would be easier if we all come together to make it work. Corruption in africa, plays a major role in preventing a country from developing and it has been the yardstick of most organizations in the country.
    In Ghana for instance, when seeking for a job or needs to attend to any other important thing, the easiest way to get done is through bribery. However, it has spread to all aspects of the country that, not only in seeking for a job that bribery and corruption works but it has been now considered as a norm of the day which is hindering the development of the country.
    The best way to fight corruption is to allow independency in the media and to also have access to information as well as transparency from the national agencies in order to promote freedom of expression.

  152. What we all do is to blame the politicians and people in high places for corruption.. but we also forget that we are also part of the corruption.. there is a saying that charity begins at home . If we want to fight corruption we need to start training ourselves and mind for that .

    The individual people need to be disciplined because we grow up to occupy high positions.. if we tune our minds towards the fight of corruption, we will make this country a better place

  153. Corruption causes poverty and creates a barrier to the long-term development of the nation. Corruption is the misuse of entrusted funds and power for private gain. It happens in accordance with thievery, fraud, nepotism and abuse of power. Corruption happens when one pays a fee to a “connection” who then bribes the official. In Ghana it’s sad to know one must pay a connection or fee to get a job, travel out or for a luxury living.
    Corruption is one of the major issues that slows down Ghana where the rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer. Corruption starts when people try to keep private monies for personal purposes and then pocket away the other half also people come into power they have the mindset they want to benefit and make use of everything before they leave power. For example; When someone comes into power he makes use of all the resources leaving behind nothing also on the surface they make it look like they are actually doing something to benefit everyone but meanwhile they are secretly pocketing everything. I think until corruption is solved, there’s still going to be a lot thr country needs to solve.

  154. “Corruption is as old as Adam” are the infamous world of Ex President John Agyekum Kuffour. These were words he spoke when he was trying to tell Ghanaians the need to weed out corruption from the very fabric or the Ghanaian society. Indeed, the Bible is testimony to his words.

    The Ghanaian culture and society by its very nature promotes some form of corruption. From having to take a goat/schnapps to a chief when you want a favour or gift giving to get favours. This has automatically seeped into our everyday lives as Ghanaians and has gone into our every aspect. We give policemen money just by seeing them. We give gifts to higher authorities in the name of being nice, even though we are favour marking.

    The fact that some of these things are not even regarded as corruption again goes to prove that our very nature as Ghanaians promotes and engineers corruption.

  155. Corruption over the years has found its way into almost every aspect of our lives, religion, racism, politics, governance, leadership, families, etc. it takes two or more to be corrupt and on a large scale one of the two parties engaged in corruption is a “victim”. victimization in corruption renders the victim powerless and with no choice rather than to comply with the act. Many leaders, organizations, schools, churches and even families have tried to tame corruption in the people of Ghana but to no avail. His Excellency the Ex President Jerry John Rawlings was the perfect example of a leader who was against corruption and proved it during his rule in Ghana. It is unfortunate that many have grown to accept corruption and even try to justify their actions. i believe that if corruption cannot be cut off totally then we should minimize it together with its negative effect. Ghana is in the bath tab of corruption and with good leadership and governance, efficient and effective laws, we will be able to minimize corruption and make way for development of Ghana

  156. Corruption in African countries is hindering economic, political and social development. It is a major barrier to economic growth, good governance and basic freedoms, such as freedom of speech or citizens’ right to hold governments to account. On things they think it have not been done well but in our case government supporters the people freedom of speech and freedom of holding him to account for the people. A government committed to ensuring transparency, accountability, and participation will recognize organizations like the national Commission for civil Education despite the fact that media are still regarded as the most significant institution through which citizens evaluate political information and knowledge. Additionally, Ghana must approach cases of corruption holistically, but we also need to take into account our society, which is also plagued by petty corruption, which is just as harmful to the nation’s common citizens.The future of government builds on these foundations of protecting and providing. Government will continue to protect citizens from violence and from the worst vicissitudes of life. Government will continue to provide public goods, at a level necessary to ensure a globally competitive economy and a well-functioning society. But wherever possible, government should invest in citizen capabilities to enable them to provide for themselves in rapidly and continually changing circumstances.
    let’s stand for the truth and change our country Ghana

  157. There is no doubt that corruption has made government systems to enable citizens gain certain privileges and access to opportunities ineffective. It has even created a mindset among citizens that the only way to the top is to get affiliated to someone there or you deploy resources. This mindset has tend to be the driving force to propel the windmill of corruption and have been a barrier to allow great minds come up with solutions to develop the country. We just have to be honest with ourselves as a nation that we mostly do things out of self interest because no one is willing to be selfless but if we really want to drive away this virus of corruption then we all must let go our self interest and tend to put others interest first.

  158. Corruption has being a major problem for our country Ghana. And to fight corruption fairly and squarely in the this country, I believe it needs to start from our homes, the traditional way of doing things and some proverbs used locally. Right from infancy a child must be aware of taking up full responsibility of everything he or she does, therefore anything as a person you do must be of intergrity. We must learn as children not to sell our intergrity no matter what. If our children are taught this, they will then grow to be cautious in their dealings with others.
    I used child training, because if not all the elderly maybe most of us have one way or the other been involved in this corrupt business. It has become a norm, if you don’t do it you are tagged. If we should say there should be watchmen on the walls to monitor, who is going to watch the watchmen. As the good book says” all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God”. If we really want to fight corruption we seriously need to work together, all the institutions non should be left out, and also putting others interest first not our family and friends only. And be ready to work without seeking personal interest. Let’s train our young ones in a good way,so we all could fight this animal called Corruption in our system.

  159. Corruption has became like a disease without cure in Ghana… every year, any day, anytime, every government you hear of it.. in our churches, schools, business and even the market places.. it has deprived the country of a lot of good benefits,. Money that can be used to build hospitals, construct roads, supply water and so on ends up in someone’s selfish accounts leaving the masses to suffer.
    Africa and to be precess Ghana has not seen much development because of the corrupt leaders we have who only think of the personal and selfish interests. Thinking of how to make themselves rich and more powerful, we feel been rich and powerful is when we can command respect and that has corrupt our minds…. But true respect comes from selfless giving and thinking of the welfare of others not yourself.
    Africa is blessed with everything the world is made of but our ways and thinking has made the continent very poor and always begging the western people who will always take advantage of what we have for their good. Until we change our mind set, our attitude africa will remain poor…

  160. We as a society have come to terms with corruption as part of our daily lives which shouldn’t be so.The best way we can stand up to this corrupt rulers is by we individuals refusing to be part of this corrupt ruling.If a group of people intend to be corrupt, we don’t have to give in to their demands. We have to stand up to this unfair system and say no. State officials are to serve us not us serving them, we made them rulers and so they are accountable to us. As citizens we shouldn’t be spectators giving into the demands of our elected leaders manhandling us as they please. We civilians contribute to the major part of a state ,our numbers are large compared to these leaders and we have the ultimatum to rise above them. We deserve accountability, transparency and fairness with whatever goes on in the country.Let us all rise up for what we believe to right

  161. Corruption happens to be man’s daily breakfast. It is not only connected with the government buy among our families and peers. While the rich take charge of the country and embezzle government funds, we also out of greed devise ways and means to forcibly take possessions of others and in other cases cheat their way through getting employment opportunities or even passing examinations. Corruption is innate and should not only be debated on in the national level but rather see to it that, as we grow our minds are renewed and make humility, loyalty and fairness a part of us. Corruption does not only affect the nation but persons. It germinates from individuals, peers to leaders, spreading from one part to another.
    Before corruption can be put to stop, it depends on you and I to reconstruct our minds because the expected moment is not far away.

  162. To reduce the menace of corruption, we must increase national agencies’ involvement in governance. Civil society engages in governance by electing rulers, participating in debates on policy, participating in key national decisions, protesting against poor governing practices, and so on. Governments must provide citizens with the opportunity to assess data to assist them in making decisions, in addition to the media, which citizens use most frequently to assess political information and knowledge. In addition, the National Commission for Civil Education is an institution that must be dedicated to transparency, accountability, and participation in order to ensure openness and openness to the public. For corruption cases to be handled in a holistic manner, we must also consider our society, which is swarming with petty corruption, which is just as harmful to ordinary people as big corruption.

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